Here is a great Republican.


See I am bipartisan when the right Republican comes to their senses. Shay has restored my faith in our political system.


Thank You. I just don't like anti-social and crazy right wing republicans who are fighting the crusades all over again. But Shay is someone I wouldn't mind donating too. He seems to be more bipartisan and independent then his fellow Republicans. I can respect him because he supports all of his constituents instead of just a limited few.


UrbanPancake said:
He seems to be more bipartisan and independent then his fellow Republicans.

In other words, you don't like most other republicans because... they're too republican. And you like this republican - because he's not really a Republican.

That's fair enough, I suppose. To be perfectly honest, I tend to like more moderate, more bipartisan Republicans myself.

I do, however, prefer my Democrats the same way also. The staunch left makes me just as ill as the staunch right. (Maybe even moreso, because their followers tend to be incredibly more shrill and close-minded.)

But the important thing is: you seem to have missed my sarcasm. There's a whole puddle of it up there.


Asperger's Poster Child
Toxick said:
I do, however, prefer my Democrats the same way also. The staunch left makes me just as ill as the staunch right. (Maybe even moreso, because their followers tend to be incredibly more shrill and close-minded.)
:yeahthat: I don't like orthodoxy in any field. I think it's wrong to tell people what to believe.