Here's a little quiz that may surprise you


You're all F'in Mad...
No surprise that my views are more along the lines of the Libertarian candidate. But, in a 2 party system, Erlich is the only choice in the race. I'm not about to waste my vote.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I agree, but boy was my hubbie in shock. :lmao:

I actually came out 18/28 Erhlich, 4/28 Townsend and he had 24/28 for the Libertarian candidate, 3/28 Townsend. No shock about either of us for Townsend.


Spear Lancaster - Libertarian
14 points out of 20

Bob Ehrlich - Republican
8 points out of 20

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend - Democrat
4 points out of 20

Wow I was suprised I scored high for a Libertarian!

I agree with Nonarb. Gotta be careful not to waste that vote.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
20/25 Ehrlich, 15/25 Lancaster, 2/25 Townsend (I can't believe she scored a two for me)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
19 - Bob Ehrlich
17 - Spear Lancaster
9 - KKT

Want to hear my brilliant idea? What if, instead of voting for a particular candidate on election day, we took a test similar to this one? And after you submit your questionnaire, they tell you who you voted for? That way you vote on the issues instead of the personality or the party. Sure would give ol' Spear a better chance, wouldn't it?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
19 Lancaster, 16 Ehrlich, 2 Townsend.

It would be nice if voters had a similar device to help them select the candidate of choice rather then just following party lines. But it is a long way until November, one can only hope they will educate themselves about the choices.


You're all F'in Mad...
Tracking with me, eh Cari?

As for 12 points for each candidate, I'd say you should close your eyes and vote. What the heck!


20 - Lancaster
17 - Ehrlich
1 - Townsend :barf:

This just confirmed my thought/feelings.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Brass tacks:

1. Death Penalty- I want for

By definition, life is most important in our lives, therefore death is the worst thing you can do to the worst offenders.

2. Healthcare- give me my damn money

What's next? Free housing? Free gas? Care to name the most out of control and unreasonable expense nowadays? Wanna know why?

3. Guns- We have this thing. It's called the "Constitution". It says what it says. If you can't read for comprehension, see #8

4. Criminal Youths- See Christy's signature line.

5. Non-violent drug possession. Yeah, right.

How about non-violent drunk driving? "Officersss...I don't take 4 of yah...(hic)...besides, I didn't hit nothin this time...I just aimed 'tween them the way...(hic)... they twins or sumpin?..."

6. Balanced Budget- Not serious.

How about balancing spending? All DC or Annapolis has EVER had to do was freeze spending for a few years and growth will balance the books without cuts or increased taxes.

7. No slots.

8. Education...How can it be ANYTHING but R,R and aR? It is "school", right?

9. See #6. Static. Just get rid of some crap programs if you want to start a new one.


10. Schools should be controlled locally. Just because our state is typically run by dems doesn't mean every kid should be indoctrinated as a dem. You'd feel the same if you lived in Utah.

Ehrlich: 10, Townsend 8, what's his face 6


New Member

I to came way out ahead as a Libertarian - I like individual, independent thinking = Ross Perot, John McCain etc.-Was real upset when McCain was not allowed to debate - - I am tired of the family empire policitical scene - people who are concerned about the middle and low income people, people who have had to work for a living - who experience going from payday to payday - Except for a few, I have lost faith in most politicians:frown:


Enjoying life!
13/22 Lancaster
12/22 Ehrlich
5/22 Townsend

I caved on the rehabilitation of drug offenders. :blushing: