Here's My Pick for Mother of the Year...


"Typical White Person"
Her punishment should be day after day she has to endure Michael Moore pooing in her face after eating 10 ...7-11 chili dogs. The F'in B.


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
And not even once... no, no, but possibly SIX times. It's stunning that it was not picked up on sooner.

The other amazing part was this: "an examination of her home computer indicated she had been researching child poisoning, according to court records." So it was premeditated and repeated.

That beats the story I was going to post: Mother Leaves Infant In Car While Shopping. (And it's local, woohoo!) According to the police, "it is a misdemeanor crime worth up to $500 in fines and up to 30 days in jail." I don't care about fines or jail... just sterilize her and take away all her kids.

Supposedly, that mother "forgot" her child was in the car when she went into the store. That reminds me of a great line from the movie "Tommy Boy": "If you guys don't know how to use a seat belt just ring your call button and Tommy'll come back there and hit ya on the head with a tack hammer 'cause you are a retard."

I think a lot of people in our country could use a good :whack:
