Here's one for the ladies


Well-Known Member
I don't believe those figures at all. Somone could hire two Sanys to take care of all the duties a stay at home mom would do for a lot less than 138K a year.


All Up In Your Grill
pingrr said:
I don't believe those figures at all. Somone could hire two Sanys to take care of all the duties a stay at home mom would do for a lot less than 138K a year.

What's a sany? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.
These things annoy me. Try sending your average stay-at-home Mom on a job interview for a computer operator, CEO, facilities manager or psychologist position and see what happens.

And I also find it annoying that they seem to think a SAH Mom only works 92 hours a week. 24x7 - you do the math.


New Member
housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist
So how much is it worth if you work full time and do all that #### anyway?
jetmonkey said:
So how much is it worth if you work full time and do all that #### anyway?
:yeahthat: And don't forget the Petes of the world who also find time to make their own pancakes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Plus, they forgot :huminahumina: If there's going to be a price tag on raising your child, there should be a price tag on keeping the hubby smiling.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jetmonkey said:
So how much is it worth if you work full time and do all that #### anyway?
Well, that would be the other flaw in the SAH salary theory, now wouldn't it? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How can...

Scoops said: economic study be based on non-economic factors?

Wages are based on supply and demand, not what they would be if, suddenly, x millions of workers suddenly joined the work force. This is an imputed value and is meaningful for an individual considering various opportunities. It is meaningless tripe on a larger scale.

Most professionals are not hourly employees. A mother/parent may be on the job, on call, 24/7, but they are decidedly not doing anything some of the time.

So, put an add in the paper offering $30 an hour. List duties as cook, van driver, shrink, CEO, laundry machine operator, day care provider, computer operator and facilities manager, 13 hours a day, 7 days a week. See what happens.

Finally, the implication is that a working mom costs the family that same $30 an hour when she's off AT an outside job. Figure an 8 hour work day, lunch and drive time, so, if this holds true, at all, a 'working' mom costs her family at least $300 a day plus cloths and transportation less her income.

If I could sell kittens for a million each, I'd only have to sell a few.

edit; added 'AT'
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off the shelf
What about those moms that work out of their home....are we worth double the 138k figure? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
The whole 96 hours a week is crazy. Anyone would make a lot of money at 96 hours a week.

Take a union scale at 10$ an hour.

1st 40 hours - 400
next 20 hours pay time and half - 300
after that all pay is double time - 720
$ 1420 a week

That would come out to almost 74K a year.

Acording to that articles logic 10 bucks an hour could be a very good salery.


New Member
The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.

You have got to be kidding me....granted a SAHM has a hell of a lot to deal with, but this is stretching it a little far. computer operator? playing on the internet while your children nap is hardly a job. CEO? nah. psychologist? give me a break. Teachers make crappy salaries and their skill sets fall under psychologists, day care providers, teachers (obviously), waiters (when they serve snacks) etc. anyone could take their job and break it out into various different positions. Not to blast SAHM's b/c i know i woud not be cut out for it, but i could sit at the house all day and watch tv and call myself a critic.