Here since y'all believe we stand for's my Democratic alternative to the current Republican administration of public policy...
Social Security: Social Security is a long-term problem that should be prepared for today. Privatization leads to greater benefit reductions than necessary, hastens insolvency of the program, disproportionately benefits higher wage earners, and removes the social welfare net concept that is the basis for the program. Rather than privatization, other actions should be taken to increase the solvency of the SS Trust Fund. Among these, increase the retirement age to 67 immediately (the current plan is to incrementally increase it until 2017; I say do it now), end early withdrawal of payments, increase the income cap from $89,500 to $125,000 and incrementally increase it to $150,000, tie benefits to inflation increases rather than wage increases (which Bush also supports), and enact the Trust Fund "lockbox" (all extra revenues that SS taxes bring in should be set aside for later benefit payments rather than used for current spending on other programs).
Tax code simplification: The personal tax code should be structured with a $30,000 rebate for all taxpayers. No income under that level will be taxed by the federal government. From $30,000 to $200,000, all income will be taxed at 30% and all income over $200,000 will be taxed at 35%. The only other deductions will be provided for children, college education, and charitable donations.
Health Care: Take catastrophic cases, which account for 64% of increased Helath Care premiums, out of the private sector and have the government cover the cases. Current law mandates that Medicaid finance the Health Care of all pregnant women and children under the age of 6 whose family income is 133% of the federal poverty level. That should be expanded to include all children under 18 of families with income levels within 133% of the federal poverty level (9 million of the 40 million people in this nation without Health Care are children). Furthermore, allow more private health insurance companies to compete in markets and allow reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada. Competition is a great aid in helping to drive down medical costs.
Crime: No more national gun control laws...only thing that could be acceptable is an assault rifle ban. Absolutely no gun registration, which is a blatant violation of personal privacy and provides no great benefit to society. Change the execution of drug policy to emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment. More funding to place more police officers on the streets.
Foreign policy: Tie foreign aid to the human rights and democratic records of nations. If China doesn't allow greater political freedom, then we stop trading with them. Only trade with nations who adopt minimum wage laws as well as other labor and environmental standards (which would also help to make American goods more competitive internationally). Maintain troop committment in Iraq until the mission is fully accomplished; shy away from time tables for withdrawal of troops (and get over the fact that we're there and we haven't found a smoking gun). Decrease foreign dependence on oil by requiring higher fuel efficiency standards for all cars sold in the United States, promoting conservation through tax incentives, and funding scientific research into new forms of energy. Get tougher with the Saudi government, which has a terrible record regarding funding terrorist groups and democracy.
Ethics: Take congressional redistricting out of the hands of legislators in each state and provide it to a nonpartisan panel of judges. No more foreign travel for legislators unless it is funded by the legislator himself or by the federal government. Ban lobbyist contributions to candidates or parties. Enact full public financing and free air time for candidates.
There...those are my ideas.
Social Security: Social Security is a long-term problem that should be prepared for today. Privatization leads to greater benefit reductions than necessary, hastens insolvency of the program, disproportionately benefits higher wage earners, and removes the social welfare net concept that is the basis for the program. Rather than privatization, other actions should be taken to increase the solvency of the SS Trust Fund. Among these, increase the retirement age to 67 immediately (the current plan is to incrementally increase it until 2017; I say do it now), end early withdrawal of payments, increase the income cap from $89,500 to $125,000 and incrementally increase it to $150,000, tie benefits to inflation increases rather than wage increases (which Bush also supports), and enact the Trust Fund "lockbox" (all extra revenues that SS taxes bring in should be set aside for later benefit payments rather than used for current spending on other programs).
Tax code simplification: The personal tax code should be structured with a $30,000 rebate for all taxpayers. No income under that level will be taxed by the federal government. From $30,000 to $200,000, all income will be taxed at 30% and all income over $200,000 will be taxed at 35%. The only other deductions will be provided for children, college education, and charitable donations.
Health Care: Take catastrophic cases, which account for 64% of increased Helath Care premiums, out of the private sector and have the government cover the cases. Current law mandates that Medicaid finance the Health Care of all pregnant women and children under the age of 6 whose family income is 133% of the federal poverty level. That should be expanded to include all children under 18 of families with income levels within 133% of the federal poverty level (9 million of the 40 million people in this nation without Health Care are children). Furthermore, allow more private health insurance companies to compete in markets and allow reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada. Competition is a great aid in helping to drive down medical costs.
Crime: No more national gun control laws...only thing that could be acceptable is an assault rifle ban. Absolutely no gun registration, which is a blatant violation of personal privacy and provides no great benefit to society. Change the execution of drug policy to emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment. More funding to place more police officers on the streets.
Foreign policy: Tie foreign aid to the human rights and democratic records of nations. If China doesn't allow greater political freedom, then we stop trading with them. Only trade with nations who adopt minimum wage laws as well as other labor and environmental standards (which would also help to make American goods more competitive internationally). Maintain troop committment in Iraq until the mission is fully accomplished; shy away from time tables for withdrawal of troops (and get over the fact that we're there and we haven't found a smoking gun). Decrease foreign dependence on oil by requiring higher fuel efficiency standards for all cars sold in the United States, promoting conservation through tax incentives, and funding scientific research into new forms of energy. Get tougher with the Saudi government, which has a terrible record regarding funding terrorist groups and democracy.
Ethics: Take congressional redistricting out of the hands of legislators in each state and provide it to a nonpartisan panel of judges. No more foreign travel for legislators unless it is funded by the legislator himself or by the federal government. Ban lobbyist contributions to candidates or parties. Enact full public financing and free air time for candidates.
There...those are my ideas.