Herman Cain wins CPAC Florida straw poll-


New Member
From Hot Air Pundit:

Romney I think is the most polished speaker.

Perry (who I would like to see as the nominee) was not polished.

Cain I like very much for his life story and think he is not polished speaker but has a lot of good one liners and can do the job.

Santrourum is my other favorite because he is articulate and young. I think that youth would appeal to many swing voters.

But again ANYONE of them could govern better......


Romney I think is the most polished speaker.

Perry (who I would like to see as the nominee) was not polished.

Cain I like very much for his life story and think he is not polished speaker but has a lot of good one liners and can do the job.

Santrourum is my other favorite because he is articulate and young. I think that youth would appeal to many swing voters.

But again ANYONE of them could govern better......

With all due respect, you’ve outlined superficial factors: polished speaker, one-liners, articulate and young… Does policy come into play here at all? This is what really worries me about voting; that people vote more on what’s attractive or what affects them emotionally rather than whether a candidate represents their ideals.

What, on a policy level, attracts you to Perry?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
just found this -

Strengthen Our National Security

The primary duty of the President of the United States is to protect our people. In fact, it is the principal duty of a limited federal government. They must ensure that our military and all of our security agencies are strong and capable.

Unfortunately, national security has become far too politicized with our elected officials using the issue as a means to polarize our country as the “war hawks” and the “peace doves.” In response, the safety and morale of our brave men and women in uniform are often at risk for political gain. The judgment of our military experts on the ground is often underutilized in exchange for political purposes. National security isn’t about politics. It’s about defending America.

There's more - just click the link to his issues page...
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Why is an unofficial, pay per vote, in which only 2,600 people vote newsworthy?

Because (so they say)...
The Republican Party of Florida’s Presidency Straw Polls have a history of selecting the Republican nominee and often times next president. Ronald Reagan won the first Presidency Straw Poll in 1979, and George H.W. Bush won Presidency 2 in 1987. Though he did not win the presidency, Bob Dole was chosen as the winner of Presidency 3 before he obtained the Republican nomination. Presidency 4 was held in 2008 but did not involve a straw poll.Herman Cain Takes The Prize at Florida Straw Poll While Perry Places Second - ABC News

and I also read this:

The straw poll is a mock election and doesn’t necessarily reflect the sentiment of the voters at large. In past years, it has predicted the party’s national nominee, but that streak could be in jeopardy because even some Cain voters doubted that he could ultimately win. Still, the vote is a major indication of how badly damaged Perry was by a poor debate performance Thursday when he fumbled answers and failed to give specifics.

Many straw poll voters were especially dissatisfied by the answers Perry gave over his moderate immigration position and his plan to inoculate girls from human papillomavirus — issues that have haunted him since the first debate weeks ago.

“I came in thinking Rick Perry,” said Tommy Langford, a Gilchrist County commissioner who voted for Cain. “I didn’t like the debate at all. I really thought Perry lost it.”

Gov. Rick Scott, who announced the results from the Orange County Convention Center stage, said the candidates “need to take very seriously whatever the results are.”

"It shows you something," said Scott. “It pays to be here."

Read more: Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll in stunning victory; Rick Perry in deep trouble - Florida - MiamiHerald.com


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
And then there's this ~

First off, the Florida Republican party’s Presidency series is no Ames. It is trickier in Florida to dominate the poll with one candidate’s fans: All the 3,500 delegates who vote in the Florida straw poll pay their own conference fees — whereas in Ames, campaigns are allowed to offer free tickets and transportation to lure delegates. Also, in Iowa, it is up to individuals to decide whether to attend, whereas in Florida each county is allotted a certain number of delegates, based on that county’s Republican population, and three-quarters of each county’s delegates are chosen by lottery (the other quarter are chosen by a county GOP committee). In Florida, for a candidate to participate, all he or she has to do is give a speech to the delegates the day of the straw poll. There is no participation fee or anything equivalent to the Ames tent and entertainment demands. And regardless of whether a candidate officially participates or not, all major candidates will be listed on the ballot.
Florida’s Presidency 5 - Katrina Trinko - National Review Online


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Also, I signed up for his "Cain Letter", so I get emails from him frequently to keep up with his goings on. I like him. I have been listening to his radio show for a number of years. And he has also filled in for Neal Boortz's radio show for a long time - that's where I first heard of him. So I know he's a solid conservative on many conservative issues.

Don't know if he can win, but I like him better than anyone else in the lineup right now. :yay:


New Member
With all due respect, you’ve outlined superficial factors: polished speaker, one-liners, articulate and young… Does policy come into play here at all? This is what really worries me about voting; that people vote more on what’s attractive or what affects them emotionally rather than whether a candidate represents their ideals.

What, on a policy level, attracts you to Perry?

Yes i agree much of it is superficial. Not that i am. I am looking at it from the left wing media point of view. Not only that but with cameras........let's be real. Looks matter in life. It's not right. I don't agree with it but it is the way it is. Newt is excellent to listen to has an excellent grasp of history. Probably very conservative. He looks like an old guy. Same with McCain.

As a Christian I tend to like Perry. I have heard his testimony. He also served in the military which I think is a perspective that his been overlooked in the campaign so far.

Again any one of them is better than BHO. IMO. :howdy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Yes i agree much of it is superficial. Not that i am. I am looking at it from the left wing media point of view. Not only that but with cameras........let's be real. Looks matter in life. It's not right. I don't agree with it but it is the way it is. Newt is excellent to listen to has an excellent grasp of history. Probably very conservative. He looks like an old guy. Same with McCain.

As a Christian I tend to like Perry. I have heard his testimony. He also served in the military which I think is a perspective that his been overlooked in the campaign so far.

Again any one of them is better than BHO. IMO. :howdy:

Carter is a Christian. Did not make him a good President. I was a young Christian when Carter was running and voted for him because he was a Christian.

Voting is one of the most solemn responsibilities a person has. Pray about the candidates but also do your research. Ask for God's wisdom.


Also, I signed up for his "Cain Letter", so I get emails from him frequently to keep up with his goings on. I like him. I have been listening to his radio show for a number of years. And he has also filled in for Neal Boortz's radio show for a long time - that's where I first heard of him. So I know he's a solid conservative on many conservative issues.

Don't know if he can win, but I like him better than anyone else in the lineup right now. :yay:

I haven’t been able to find much on this but it everything I do find shows he wants to stay with the status quo in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you have anything about what he intends to do about these disasters?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I haven’t been able to find much on this but it everything I do find shows he wants to stay with the status quo in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you have anything about what he intends to do about these disasters?

Not off the top of my head so that I could discuss the ins and outs of it to the degree you seem to be interested in. Just for the record, it's not that I am not interested in those issues, but I am NOT a 1 issue voter. And I don't know how far Herman Cain is really going to go right now - so I'm not willing to throw the baby out with the bath over 1 issue. Yet.
Why don't you just email & ask him?
Michele Bachmann 1% (not sure how she ended up behind Huntsman. How does the Iowa Straw poll winner get 1% in the Florida Straw poll?)

Because these straw polls reveal little more than who tried harder (e.g. spent more money) to win each particular one. They are fund raisers and little more, with the gimmick to attract money being the notion that, in donating it, you get to send a (likely erroneous) message about who the most popular candidate is to whoever is paying attention.

If the Florida poll works like the Ames poll, the candidates can buy entry, and thus the right to vote, for their supporters. If you're willing to spend enough money, you can win. The poll is kinda like an auction for candidates with the item up for bid being the title of 'Ames Straw poll winner.' It's only because of the boredom of the media that anyone reads anything into the results.

Thankfully, neither Herman Cain nor Michele Bachmann is going to win the GOP nomination.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because these straw polls reveal little more than who tried harder (e.g. spent more money) to win each particular one. They are fund raisers and little more, with the gimmick to attract money being the notion that, in donating it, you get to send a (likely erroneous) message about who the most popular candidate is to whoever is paying attention.

If the Florida poll works like the Ames poll, the candidates can buy entry, and thus the right to vote, for their supporters. If you're willing to spend enough money, you can win. The poll is kinda like an auction for candidates with the item up for bid being the title of 'Ames Straw poll winner.' It's only because of the boredom of the media that anyone reads anything into the results.

Thankfully, neither Herman Cain nor Michele Bachmann is going to win the GOP nomination.

Which is why this one is noteworthy; as I understand it, Perry worked hard for this one.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Because these straw polls reveal little more than who tried harder (e.g. spent more money) to win each particular one. They are fund raisers and little more, with the gimmick to attract money being the notion that, in donating it, you get to send a (likely erroneous) message about who the most popular candidate is to whoever is paying attention.

If the Florida poll works like the Ames poll, the candidates can buy entry, and thus the right to vote, for their supporters. If you're willing to spend enough money, you can win. The poll is kinda like an auction for candidates with the item up for bid being the title of 'Ames Straw poll winner.' It's only because of the boredom of the media that anyone reads anything into the results.

Thankfully, neither Herman Cain nor Michele Bachmann is going to win the GOP nomination.

FTR-the comments included in those poll results were not mine but those of the Hot Air Pundit reporter.

And while I understand the validity of any straw poll can be debated-they are part of the political landscape & punditry... and the Florida straw poll is different from the one in Ames according to the info I posted yesterday.
Which is why this one is noteworthy; as I understand it, Perry worked hard for this one.

Perhaps. There's been like 800,000 of these straw polls so far this year, with a different candidate winning each and every one of them.

At any rate, I was answering Bann with regard to how Michele Bachman could 'win' the Ames poll and then do so poorly in this one. The answer is she was willing to spend enough money or time on the Iowa one and not enough on this one.