Heroes, Season 3



Good lord! What a show last night. What is going on with Mohinder's back?? You think it might be the first mutation on the show? And wtf did Sylar pull out of Claire's head?


I was looking forward to this season until I saw the first two episodes last night =/

Really? Why's that?

I'm actually the opposite, I was getting bored with the show until last night.


New Member
Really? Why's that?

I'm actually the opposite, I was getting bored with the show until last night.

It just seemed like a big huge mess.

Mohinder turns into Spider-Rapist?

The one girl with multiple personalities that died last season turns up with yet another crappy personality and new powers?

The Heroes (Claire this time) manage to wound Syler but NOT KILL HIM again .... for the 788th time.

Linderman back from the dead? maybe? Could be Future Peter using his new shape shift power?

too much jumble and not enough intrigue. I stopped caring about multiple personalities after the 3rd one, and I really got tired of Syler -almost- being killed.


It just seemed like a big huge mess.

Mohinder turns into Spider-Rapist?

That part kind of does intrique me, and Maya seemed plenty willing. Mohinder getting his evil on? That could be interesting. I could only imagine how much damage he could inflict.

The one girl with multiple personalities that died last season turns up with yet another crappy personality and new powers?

Didn't follow last season enough to understand all of that girl's personalities and what was going on with her. That, and I missed the first season altogether. Maybe that was for the best.

The Heroes (Claire this time) manage to wound Syler but NOT KILL HIM again .... for the 788th time.

Agreed. We could have come up with better villains since.

Linderman back from the dead? maybe? Could be Future Peter using his new shape shift power?

I like the actor that plays Linderman, can't remember his name - but he does evil so well (Tank Girl). I don't like Peter's new appearance or demeanor... his acting is even starting to suck more than I thought it could.

too much jumble and not enough intrigue. I stopped caring about multiple personalities after the 3rd one, and I really got tired of Syler -almost- being killed.

Yeah, that. Totally agree with you on that one. But there were definitely some things that sucked me in, like the discovery of how to basically pass out powers, I want to see how that pans out - if at all. Didn't look like it was going too well for Mohinder.

There was definitely enough in there to make me want to see next week's episode. I feel like a Heroes junkie in this thread, and I was always bashing it at the beginning of last season when my boyfriend was watching it because I didn't know what the hell was going on (it seemed as convoluted as Lost to me before I saw a few more episodes). I still need to watch the first season that my dad bought for him and I because I missed it completely. Maybe that will help fill me in.


New Member
The first season was really good. I think that's why I don't like the second season and am starting not to like this season.

It's like all the characters have gotten slightly improved powers and slightly lower IQs.


Future Peter: I'll go back and shoot my brother.

as opposed to

Future Peter: I'll go back and shoot Syler in the face.


THAT would make a lot more sense. God forbid the writers come up with another villain.


THAT would make a lot more sense. God forbid the writers come up with another villain.

There are 12 excaped villains from Level 5. That should provide hours of entertainment.

I liked it yesterday. I don't want Sylar to be disappeared yet (and now that he's immortal like Claire and Adam, he can't be), because he's so creepy and evil, and they need to get more creepiness and evilness out of him. Plus he's Peter's counterpart. Sylar isn't going anywhere until him and Peter have a showdown, mano y mano style.

Mamma Patrelli was really starting to grate on my nerves - until yesterday. It's interesting that now you know she does have a power and what it is, her motives are not just mindless mischief, but have always had a sense of purpose (although, we don't know what purposes those are yet), it makes her less annoying by several orders of magnitude. Although her impotent blathering at Future-Peter brings it back up a few notches.

There were a couple things I didn't really care for, though. Like Nicky/Jessica/Tracy. WTF? Now she's iceman? I'm holding out hope that this plot twist has a decent explanation. Also, Future Peter is pretty much a dickweed.

Mohinder turning into Spiderman and then Goldmember was kinda weird. You'd think someone as smart as he is supposed to be would have more brains than to inject something into his arm that he created only hours before with no testing whatsoever. What a maroon.

One last thought:

Has there ever been an episode of Heroes where Hiro didn't get punched in the face?


There are 12 excaped villains from Level 5. That should provide hours of entertainment.

I liked it yesterday. I don't want Sylar to be disappeared yet (and now that he's immortal like Claire and Adam, he can't be), because he's so creepy and evil, and they need to get more creepiness and evilness out of him. Plus he's Peter's counterpart. Sylar isn't going anywhere until him and Peter have a showdown, mano y mano style.
agreed. He's disturbing....needs to stay for a bit yet until they find someone as sinister.

Mamma Patrelli was really starting to grate on my nerves - until yesterday. It's interesting that now you know she does have a power and what it is, her motives are not just mindless mischief, but have always had a sense of purpose (although, we don't know what purposes those are yet), it makes her less annoying by several orders of magnitude. Although her impotent blathering at Future-Peter brings it back up a few notches.
agree again. I can't stand her...but now that she said something to the effect of being Sylar's real mom at the end there, that piqued my interest.

There were a couple things I didn't really care for, though. Like Nicky/Jessica/Tracy. WTF? Now she's iceman? I'm holding out hope that this plot twist has a decent explanation. Also, Future Peter is pretty much a dickweed.
Noticed its starting to take on an X-men feel to it myself. Nikki bored me in the first two seasons...unless she was kicking butt. Now what? If anything get rid of her and bring back Copycat girl...where is she, btw?

Mohinder turning into Spiderman and then Goldmember was kinda weird. You'd think someone as smart as he is supposed to be would have more brains than to inject something into his arm that he created only hours before with no testing whatsoever. What a maroon.
I hate Mohinder. Along with Parker and Nikki, they were a list of characters that bored and annoyed me immensely with their whining.

One last thought:

Has there ever been an episode of Heroes where Hiro didn't get punched in the face?
hehe.. he takes it so well, though.

I'm rooting for Sylar and the Badboys until things turn around. ..
