

New Member
OK... let's hear it.... how would the Lyme patients describe their last Herxing episode?

I've been on this stuff for a little over 3 weeks.... and I've never been sicker with the Lyme than I am today.... I hurt in between every single joint in my back, hips, knees, elbows, feet, and jaw.... I have a headache and the tinnitis is at full volumne.... I have already taken a tylenol 800 mg... Dr. C prescribed Tylenol 3 [just in case the pain got really bad ] but I didn't fill the prescription because I don't what to be hooked on pain meds..... My stomach hurts... i've got cramps in my leg muscles... and my neck scrunches when I turn my head....

How about you? Let's be honest about our symptoms so the CDC will help us more....


New Member
You should get out and get some fresh air and some exercise to help you heal.

And you know this because..... I asked a question about herxing.... please let us know how any herxing has gone....

I did the exercise... also took a hot shower...[changed my dressing myself]... I am drinking massive quatities of water.... and I am in severe pain at the moment.... how's your day....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And you know this because..... I asked a question about herxing.... please let us know how any herxing has gone....

I did the exercise... also took a hot shower...[changed my dressing myself]... I am drinking massive quatities of water.... and I am in severe pain at the moment.... how's your day....

Sounds to me, little I know about it, that your medicine is working! Hang in there! :buddies:


New Member
All of a sudden I had a cold, tingling sensation in two of my left toes that made me think there was a bug on them.... :doh:

This is really wierd....:coffee:


Active Member
I experienced what you described practically the whole time I was taking Rocephin... until I had an allergic reaction to it. I didn't noticed as much when I was taking Invanz.


PREMO Member
Larry is correct (I believe).
Sounds like the antibiotics are doing what they are suppose to do.
Hang in there, get rest, eat and drink fluids.

It gets worse, before it gets better.


New Member
Try taking some acidophillus, that might help with your stomach issues.

Christy suggested for me to take it when I was having stomach issues while on the rocephin and it really does help!You have to make sure and take it daily don't stop taking it just because your stomach is feeling a little better.Thanks again Christy!


New Member
Larry is correct (I believe).
Sounds like the antibiotics are doing what they are suppose to do.
Hang in there, get rest, eat and drink fluids.

It gets worse, before it gets better.

I know it's supposed to do this.... but I'm wondering on a scale of 1-10 how bad is this compared to what it could get... reason... I have to work... around the house and I have a full time job...

Christy suggested for me to take it when I was having stomach issues while on the rocephin and it really does help!You have to make sure and take it daily don't stop taking it just because your stomach is feeling a little better.Thanks again Christy!

I do take the acidophillus and drink plenty of water....


I AM an enigma
I was on IV meds this last go around for 6 months. Someone posted (Larry I think) that it sounded as tho your meds were working, and I have to agree.

I herxed so bad sometimes that I wanted my chest port OUT!!! Mine were more on again off again. It got to where I knew when those little buggers (the spirochetes) were mating and when they were dying off. I'd have to go back through my journals to be able to go into detail.

One thing to keep in mind, and it helped me some (NOTHING helped A LOT) was taking a HOT bath. Remember that along with killing these little suckas you also have to get them out of your body.

Right now, I am in the de-tox stage of trying to rid my body of millions of little dead spirochetes. NOT pleasant, but necessary.

Also, the pro-biotics should be taken daily anyway when on antibiotics.

And I know it's hard, but sleep as much as you can. If you are tired, do not try to fight it. Your body heals when you sleep, so if there is anyway that you could, try to nap as much as possible and sleep as late as you can.

Did you say you have a full time job? PM me a little info on this, as there maybe a way to help.

Oh--one more thing. Do you have any co-infections?