He's Baaack...


All Up In Your Grill
mainman said:
The way your boys have been squeaking by, you should be easy on your boy.. You may need him down the stretch...:lmao:

I'd rather them lose the rest of the games this season than to give that idiot any reason to appoint himself savior of the Dallas Cowboys. And I would be extremely satisfied if someone broke his arse up in the process.


Set Trippin
nachomama said:
I'd rather them lose the rest of the games this season than to give that idiot any reason to appoint himself savior of the Dallas Cowboys. And I would be extremely satisfied if someone broke his arse up in the process.
I wouldn't mind seeing him get JACKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! either


I AM an enigma
rack'm said:
Doubtful.........if he drops another pass, they need to send him back to Philly.

I do believe the East Coast has had enough of him. Ok, check that, I PRAY the East Coast has had enough of him.

His ego really needs to be put in check. In my experience, that usually happens sooner or later.....


All Up In Your Grill
Purplefox said:
I do believe the East Coast has had enough of him. Ok, check that, I PRAY the East Coast has had enough of him.

If I remember correctly, he came from the West Coast (San Fran) So, that covers the East & West Coast, but only the NFC. Maybe the AFC wants a crack at him...

Purplefox said:
His ego really needs to be put in check. In my experience, that usually happens sooner or later.....

If hasn't happened yet, so it hasn't happened soon enough.


100% Goapele Head!
nachomama said:
He just keeps going and going and going...Gawd, I wish he'd STFU ALREADY!


What if he was to become a forumite? :jameo:

To me he is still handsome but that's me looking at him as a man not an athlete. :dance:

I've decided what kind of man I was going to marry as far as looks go and my sacrifice is to be single forever if I don't find one to meet that req. :drama:

Ok, back to sports talk. :whistle: