Hey Big Fatty and warneckutz



Thanks to both ya'll for info. on Pro Fitness....I went this morning, worked out and am now a member.....Later.



I'm about to jump on that train...I am a World Gym Member in the park who is sick of cleaning up after everyone in there...it's gone past not racking weights to smashed red bull cans on the floor and water bottles left laying.

not to mention people not cleaning machines and cardio equipment when they are done with it...it's getting ridiculous...i told management if they don't fix this we're gone...

I know that a bunch of people have recently left, so hopefully they will fix this to keep the little clientel they still have...

Went down the hill when it changed owners


I'm about to jump on that train...I am a World Gym Member in the park who is sick of cleaning up after everyone in there...it's gone past not racking weights to smashed red bull cans on the floor and water bottles left laying.

not to mention people not cleaning machines and cardio equipment when they are done with it...it's getting ridiculous...i told management if they don't fix this we're gone...

I know that a bunch of people have recently left, so hopefully they will fix this to keep the little clientel they still have...

Went down the hill when it changed owners

I hear you man...The one here in town in nice and clean. I've only been to the square location twice. Roomy, but junky. A change is sometimes good...



I hear you man...The one here in town in nice and clean. I've only been to the square location twice. Roomy, but junky. A change is sometimes good...


yeah..it just sucks because i already live in Dameron so the evolution of coming in to workout for 2 hours takes more like 2.5 when it is all said and done.....i get there at 730 and don't get home until 10 some nights...going anywhere else is going to make it that much longer...

I will have my cardio room in my basement done in the next week, i'll have a bike, elliptical, tmill, mats and a heavy bag, so i can do that first thing in the morning and then just lift at night....

but yeah it's been a growing problem in the last few weeks....plus if everyone is going to Maximum then it will be crowded and i'll have a different problem...i think i'll just start going nuclear on messy people:boxing::lmao:



2 hrs is a long time to workout. Granted, you burn alot of calories but you have a greater chance of burning muscle too, defeating the purpose by not seeing any results.


2 hrs is a long time to workout. Granted, you burn alot of calories but you have a greater chance of burning muscle too, defeating the purpose by not seeing any results.

I lift for 45 minutes or so, do ab splits for about 15, then do cardio. I'm training for a marathon so I have to do the time...I'd like to think i'm well read on training, i keep my calories/protein up and check my body fat weekly to ensure i'm not losing muscle mass over bodyfat....


pretty black roses
I REALLY need to get back to the gym. But like thurley, I end up staying there for over 2 hours and I go nonstop.



But the Mrs won't work out with me any longer when I am working on legs :snicker:

she's working on making a comeback..she's been doing her elliptical at night when i go to the gym...

I don't do legs, that is what running is for. I already wear jeans that are 2 sizes big so my thighs can breath...

Big Fatty

Thanks to both ya'll for info. on Pro Fitness....I went this morning, worked out and am now a member.....Later.


Welcome to the Darkside brotha. I am the bald dude lifting the heavy weights. Don't be shy and introduce yourself. Let me know if you need any help.

Mightymouse does wear gym clothes and his butt does look good. Mine would look good too if I wore spandex tights and leg warmers like MM. I choose not to because I don't want to steal MM's thunder. MM teaches a great strip tease class. Sign up early before all the other guys take up all the space.



Welcome to the Darkside brotha. I am the bald dude lifting the heavy weights. Don't be shy and introduce yourself. Let me know if you need any help.

Mightymouse does wear gym clothes and his butt does look good. Mine would look good too if I wore spandex tights and leg warmers like MM. I choose not to because I don't want to steal MM's thunder. MM teaches a great strip tease class. Sign up early before all the other guys take up all the space.


Classes are full! :blushing: