See, this is where you go off on a tangent... This has nothing to do with Bush at all.
Republicans are the ones always taking things "by the book", and then they come across a painting (which we are well aware are not actual photographs of real things) and suddenly you are jumping up and down. I mean, if this painting makes you sleep better at night, so be it... Thank god Bush didn't parade this in front of the UN saying "Look! Here is your proof! We have this painting and training camps! They must be the ones who brought down the twin towers, lets get him!"
I'm an american. I, along with everyone on here lost something when those two towers went down. Nothing would make me happier to see everyone involved brought to justice. But I need more than fictional paintings and training camps before I'm satisfied we have the right people. And then you throw in the notion of pieces of WMD being found. As I recall, no WMD were used in that attack, so if you're using the painting and training camps to support you notion that saddam was involved in 9/11, you might want to refrain from mentioning wmd.