Hey Gun Guys!



I got this email from Auctionarms, and thought I would pass it along:

Dear ,
We are now into our tenth year at AuctionArms.com and I really can’t remember the last time I sent a personal e-mail to all of our Auction Arms Users at once. I’m sending you this e-mail now because I ran across the most unbelievable deal in the entire firearms industry, and I thought you would like to know about it.

I recently returned from the NRA Convention where I heard people talking about a man they called the Millionaire Patriot and the amazing offer he was providing to the first 5,000 people who contacted him. Frankly, it sounded too good to be true, but more and more people were talking about it so when I returned home, I called Dr. Ignatius Piazza, the founder of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and asked him myself.

Dr. Piazza is called the Millionaire Patriot by his hundreds of thousands of students because over the last 12 years he has given away tens of millions of dollars in world class firearms training, guns, and gear to make it easy for law abiding citizens to secure what he refers to as the Comfort of Skill at Arms.

He really is a patriot, and he really has given away tens of millions of dollars in training, guns and gear. His latest offer is quite frankly unbelievable, but I’m here to tell you it is true. Thousands of people have already taken advantage of it. I found out about it and I'm taking advantage of it myself.

You can see this unbelievable, but true offer at http://www.frontsight.com/free-gunAA.asp

Normally, Dr. Piazza only provides such amazing offers for his own students, their immediate families and friends. But because I was so impressed with what the Millionaire Patriot is doing, I asked him if he work something out for Auction Arms users.

Dr. Piazza agreed, but told me upfront that he only had a limited number of Springfield Armory XD Pistols to give away at no charge so my Auction Arms users would have to act fast.

So if you want to take advantage of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute’s Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and One Day 30 State Concealed Weapon Permit Course at a substantial savings PLUS if you can act quickly, also get a brand new, Springfield Armory XD Pistol and a bunch of great tactical gear AT NO CHARGE, then go to http://www.frontsight.com/free-gunAA.asp today and take advantage of the Millionaire Patriot’s amazingly generous offer.

That’s right! A Springfield Armory XD Pistol in 9mm, .40Sw, or .45ACP at NO CHARGE!

It’s very easy to get, just go to http://www.frontsight.com/free-gunAA.asp

I know… a free gun and gear sounds too good to be true, but it's true! I've already taken advantage of it myself and I hope to see you at Front Sight when I attend my Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and One Day 30 State Concealed Weapon Permit Course.

You need to go to the special webpage that Dr. Piazza created just for Auction Arms users to secure his Millionaire Patriot, Greatest Course, Gun, and Gear Offer EVER. This offer won’t last long as he only set aside a LIMITED NUMBER of Courses, Guns and Gear for Auction Arms users.

So go to http://www.frontsight.com/free-gunAA.asp today and take advantage of the amazing benefit that Dr. Piazza and Front Sight are providing for you.

See you on the range.


Manny DelaCruz

CEO/AuctionArms.com, Inc.

PS I’m no stranger to weapons and training, having been in the Marine Corps for four years and running AuctionArms.com for the last ten years. I have to tell you that EVERYONE I know who has been to Front Sight raves about it. Here at Auction Arms we are all chomping at the bit to attend our course at Front Sight so I hope we will see you there too.


I got the email also. To get the gun you have to take the 4 or 5 day course, and it aint cheap. I'm sure the price of the handgun is calculated into the course costs. Not saying its not worth it, but its not exactly free.


Did you take him up on his offer?

Nope. My Dad was an NRA instructor for years, and I was an NRA firearms, hunting, and bow safety instructor for three years. If I want a gun, I would rather pay the bucks than sit through someone else's course... far less painful.


I got the email also. To get the gun you have to take the 4 or 5 day course, and it aint cheap. I'm sure the price of the handgun is calculated into the course costs. Not saying its not worth it, but its not exactly free.

Looking at the website, the course cost is $2,000, plus you provide your own ammo. When I taught a similar course in the 1980s, the range charged $1,200, but that included ammo. I think that $2,000 is a bit high, but my perception is dated. Also, most of these courses are being subsidized by law enforcement agencies, which was why we were able to charge so much.

The 4-day course with the pistol deal is $1,199, plus you get a lot of extra crap. The pistol sells for between $550 and $600, so your getting the course for about the same price as the gun would cost you. If you or your employer was going to spring a few grand for firearms training, I guess it would make sense to take this deal.


Looking at the website, the course cost is $2,000, plus you provide your own ammo.
The 4-day course with the pistol deal is $1,199, plus you get a lot of extra crap. The pistol sells for between $550 and $600, so your getting the course for about the same price as the gun would cost you.

If I was already planning on taking this course that would be a great deal, but to do it just for the gun, not so much. My wife and I just took a course with Pat Goodale at Practical Firearms Training in West Virginia. Excellent course and alot of fun, plus only about $300.00 for the weekend plus the cost of your ammo (about 1000 rounds). It was a defensive and tactical course.