I’m sorry, but I am going to have to chime in. It’s been a long time since I have been on here, but a friend had told me about this post, and I felt the need to reply. I am a Volunteer in this great county, and I have been for almost 11 years now. I started with a slower station, and then moved to a much busier station where I run at now.
I will not stand up for the idiot that was driving down 235 the other day with his flashers on, I do know who he is, and I do know what dept he is from, and the fire chief was told about this thread. But you have to remember one thing, when asking for help, esp. free help; you are going to get some bad seeds. You are asking for trained men and women to spend most of there free time training and running calls for FREE! With the cost of living rising in the area, you are going to get younger members; they are the only ones that can afford to do this nowadays! So now you have a group of young guys and girls with a tremendous responsibility to protect and serve, and yes with that you do get a little bit of an ego. But if you come and see what we do day in and day out, you would have one too!
I am not sticking up for anyone, I more then most know that there are retards running the roads that think they are gods because they volunteer. All I am asking is if you do see a group of firemen at WAWA getting something to eat and they do have a little chip on there shoulder, cut them some slack, good chance they just got done doing something you don’t have the balls or the time to do, and they did it for free! It is easier to stand on the side lines and watch the game, then to get dirty and play yourself. So don’t stand back and judge me for what I do, stand back and ask yourself why you’re not doing more.
Have a good day