Hey Ladies


Having Fun!
What does it take to "Grow up to be annnnnnnnnn old Woman"

Putting up with never having control of the remote
Ability to do 15 things at once and do all of them well.
Tolerating the many things your family does that get on your last nerve.
Insisting that everyone learn the old maxim - "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"
Enjoying the small moments that make life worth living -- a lover's smile, a baby's hug
Needing to be needed.
Conflict resolution skills, in spades!
Everything else is meaningless without Love and Family (including honorary sisters)

So, do I need to spell it out any further?:whistle:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Give me a "P" *shakeshake*

Give me an "I" *shakeshake*

Give me a "T" *shakecoughhackshake*

Give me an "A" *shakeshakedroppoppomsandpointsatyou*


Now I will think of this instead of hating the annoying jingle of that commercial! :lol: (love the sentiment, just hate the jingle!)