Hey Larry

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Irvin said he put the pipe in his car because he didn't want it in his house where his children might find it. He said he planned to drive somewhere the next day, like a grocery trash bin, and throw the pipe away but forgot.

...I think Micheal Irvin is a drug addict and I think he's nowhere near being ready to deal with it.

I think the edginess and aggressiveness of some of his interviews, like his TO one, are symptomatic.

He misses the glory, he misses the high, he misses all the things that go with being on the top and over the top including the sense of invincibility and lack of accountability.

So, he becomes Bad Mike the Mouth and smokes crack.

Pat Summeral was a legendary drunk in that business but I never remember wishing he'd just shut up.

Be interesting if ESPN makes him go to rehab.
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My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
I think the edginess and aggressiveness of some of his interviews, like his TO one, are symptomatic.

Did you see him yesterday with Tom Jackson and Steve Young? He sounded like an nutcase. Tom Jackson looked like he wanted to smack him.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Did you see him yesterday with Tom Jackson and Steve Young? He sounded like an nutcase. Tom Jackson looked like he wanted to smack him.

...I started turning the channel when it was Mikes turn to talk about week 2.

I catch him here and there, parts and all, but no, didn't see him at all yesterday.