Hey Mikey!


Obama destroyed America
That's funny. What's even funnier is Kerad calling USSS and them searching 20,000+ posts by Baja & Mikeinsmd and finding that I never said that. :yay: :killingme


Well-Known Member
I used to TiVo these guys after I found "Get a New Daddy" "Slow Jerk" and that skit on peeing on each other. Funniest stuff I've ever seen.


Lem Putt
That's funny. What's even funnier is Kerad calling USSS and them searching 20,000+ posts by Baja & Mikeinsmd and finding that I never said that. :yay: :killingme

Imagine -- for a minute -- the conversation taking place between Kerad and the USSS when he calls in.

USSS -- State the nature of your emergency please.

Kerad -- *Drool* Pepole on the internet are treating me.

USSS -- They're what? Ma'am, is someone hurt? Are you okay?

Kerad -- *coughs* Yes, they internet forum pepole are treating me and my Obama. They doing it want dead. (Sounds of tin foil rustle as Kerad fixes the drapes).

USSS -- Ma'am I don't understand. Are you saying you have received treats over the internet? Do you know who the treats are from? Have you eaten them? Were they poisoned?

Kerad -- The treats are from Mikey with one leg and he is spackle addict. I had a treesome with him and my hubband Andy so he would leave Andy and me and Justice and baby Faith alone. She just from hostipal after her kidneys checked okay but I need to stole some formula for her because sugarcane IFeelYa is coming.

USSS -- Ma'am, are you high? Do you feel okay? Can you tell me where you live?

Kerad -- We're not high anymore sense we fixed the keriolsene poisin in our trailer. Keriolsene caused baby faith problems.

USSS -- Wait a minute ... is this Kerad from SOMD.com forums? (snickering)

Kerad -- Yes, that me. My hubband Andy is on too. And Mikey my exhubband. He sending me meam red karma with treats. Dems telled me to agnore it but hard to do when it's so treating. He suckosed to be in jail and stay away but he escaped and we did a treesome with Andy to keep him away. Now sending me meam karma and variolbde won't make it stop. She called me drooling queen and be meam too.


Lovin' being Texican
That's funny. What's even funnier is Kerad calling USSS and them searching 20,000+ posts by Baja & Mikeinsmd and finding that I never said that. :yay: :killingme

Kerad has no reason to search the threads. That would be research and fact-finding, neither of which he does.