Hey Pete -> Student is selling her virginity...


Set Trippin
Student is selling her virginity on the internet for £10,000
By Holly Jarvis

A STUDENT is so hard up she has decided to make the ultimate sacrifice ...she is selling her virginity to the highest bidder on the internet.

So far more than 400 men, many of them sickos, have placed bids offering 18-year-old Rosie Reid up to £10,000 for sex.

The drastic action has left Rosie's parents sickened. Her doctor dad has told her she "is selling her soul". Her nurse mum is outraged.

And Rosie is even willing to sleep with a man despite it being abhorrent to her—she is a LESBIAN.

But she would rather prostitute herself than see her studies suffer.

The rest of the story...

UFB :rolleyes:


Football season!
And she is doing it for a good cause. I support anyone trying to further their education. I'll sign up and help :biggrin:


Football season!
Originally posted by James White
If she is a lesbian,Is she technically still a virgin ??

How much is that in US dollars ?

Depends. I'll have to break out my Clinton dictionary on sex to find out...


Originally posted by mainman
Student is selling her virginity on the internet for £10,000
By Holly Jarvis

A STUDENT is so hard up she has decided to make the ultimate sacrifice ...she is selling her virginity to the highest bidder on the internet.

So far more than 400 men, many of them sickos, have placed bids offering 18-year-old Rosie Reid up to £10,000 for sex.

The drastic action has left Rosie's parents sickened. Her doctor dad has told her she "is selling her soul". Her nurse mum is outraged.

And Rosie is even willing to sleep with a man despite it being abhorrent to her—she is a LESBIAN.

But she would rather prostitute herself than see her studies suffer.

The rest of the story...

UFB :rolleyes:
If she had 10,000 Pounds in the bank she could "work less and live confortably" :duh:

Despite my admiration of her grasp on "free enterprise" I will not be paying anyone.


Originally posted by Ken King
$18,282 - no way in hell would it be worth it.
Not even if you got to bang her once for each dollar. :barf: What a loser. :boo:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
I think the loser is the idiot that ends up paying for it... look how many baby's mommas on here gave theirs away for free to Bucky and Ray...:shrug:
Yeah and I think that those baby's mommas probably bought the drinks for Buddy and Ray that put the boys into the mood.