Hey Rack-M - Memories?



What's going on at Memories tonight? Anything? I have a date tonight and he shoots pool - I don't want to introduce him to my friends just yet up at Huntts...so I'm trying to find another pool hall. I wanted to go somewhere that wasn't 20-ish yuppieville (in otherwords, I don't want a bunch of 20 year old women in tight jeans walking around making me feel and look old) and I'm lookig for something that is somewhat down to earth but not too bikerish...and not too.. "I havn't seen those two round these parts...who are those two strangers in here" mentality either. Memories has quite an eclectic blend of clientell (sp?)... you know of anything going on there tonight around 7 or 8 or later? :confused: I'm not into the kareokee or djs and band, etc... I'm happy with just a juke box and pooltable (preferabbly no waiting list) If not I can take him to my stomping gronds at Huntts. Also, should I bring my cues with me and tournament talk or act ditzy and act like I'd never heard of the game.?
TIA :flowers: