Hey Saddlesore



KizerSoSay said:
I had an epiphany today.

Tell me about it, dahling. Wait - let me grab a glass of this lovely cab/syrah blend and break into my secret stash of good quality dark chocolate - yum! All right - I'm ready now . . . . . I'm all ears!


saddlesore said:
Tell me about it, dahling. Wait - let me grab a glass of this lovely cab/syrah blend and break into my secret stash of good quality dark chocolate - yum! All right - I'm ready now . . . . . I'm all ears!
Before I get to that, what the heck is going on with your beloved karma?? It is flashing back and forth more than a brothel sign in Tijuana. Are you speaking your mind again? You know that you are not allowed to have an opinion, much less express it! 40 lashes with the Dolce and Gabana whip!


KizerSoSay said:
Before I get to that, what the heck is going on with your beloved karma?? It is flashing back and forth more than a brothel sign in Tijuana. Are you speaking your mind again? You know that you are not allowed to have an opinion, much less express it! 40 lashes with the Dolce and Gabana whip!

Ooooh, D & G! You know how to butter me up - too bad you're ghey. [sigh]

Bugger me - I keep forgetting not to express an opinion! :elaine:
I believe I've detected a pattern. Oh yoo hoo, Inspector Persi, what do you think of this? As soon as I post, I receive red karma, accompanied by all the typical type remarks. You know, you're a mean person, ping pong the damn ding dong, GFY, you're a hemorrhoid, etc., etc., yada yada, blah, blah, and so on and so forth. :blahblah: The usual witty and freshly original remarks.

[Quick - go check my karma numbers, bet you it just dropped again after that last remark! Whaddya wanna bet, eh?}

Then I log off, and whilst off I receive GREEN karma, with people expressing appreciation for my wit and for expressing an honest, rational opinion.

Then I come back on and within 2 minutes of my first post - surprise! :yikes: It's red again!! :faint: :shocked: :shocking: :bawl:

But Kiz, don't despair!! It's actually fun to watch it go up and down, up and down, green and red, back and forth, good and bad, positive and negative, yin and yang, regular and decaf, gay and st- well, never mind. You get the picture.
:bigwhoop: :drama:

Now back to your regularly scheduled programme.
[And don't forget to check those numbers!]


saddlesore said:
Ooooh, D & G! You know how to butter me up - too bad you're ghey. [sigh]

Bugger me - I keep forgetting not to express an opinion! :elaine:
I believe I've detected a pattern. Oh yoo hoo, Inspector Persi, what do you think of this? As soon as I post, I receive red karma, accompanied by all the typical type remarks. You know, you're a mean person, ping pong the damn ding dong, GFY, you're a hemorrhoid, etc., etc., yada yada, blah, blah, and so on and so forth. :blahblah: The usual witty and freshly original remarks.

[Quick - go check my karma numbers, bet you it just dropped again after that last remark! Whaddya wanna bet, eh?}

Then I log off, and whilst off I receive GREEN karma, with people expressing appreciation for my wit and for expressing an honest, rational opinion.

Then I come back on and within 2 minutes of my first post - surprise! :yikes: It's red again!! :faint: :shocked: :shocking: :bawl:

But Kiz, don't despair!! It's actually fun to watch it go up and down, up and down, green and red, back and forth, good and bad, positive and negative, yin and yang, regular and decaf, gay and st- well, never mind. You get the picture.
:bigwhoop: :drama:

Now back to your regularly scheduled programme.
[And don't forget to check those numbers!]
You are killin' me girlie girl. How does it feel to be so popular that people just hang on your every word, and defy the Gods to send you karma? I admire their prowess and fore sight. They hate you, yet they cannot look away. You are my new hero.... I pale in comparison to you. Can I carry your bag? Shine your shoes? If you want, I will even try to go straight for a night :blushing:


KizerSoSay said:
You are killin' me girlie girl. How does it feel to be so popular that people just hang on your every word, and defy the Gods to send you karma? I admire their prowess and fore sight. They hate you, yet they cannot look away. You are my new hero.... I pale in comparison to you. Can I carry your bag? Shine your shoes? If you want, I will even try to go straight for a night :blushing:

Honestly, it is a BIG responsibility! I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations. You are so right: it is lonely at the top! And how difficult for me, to continue posting in my usual loquacious manner, knowing that so many eyes are watching my every word. Don't hate me for being verbose!

Nice try on the bag and shoes. I know you have been coveting my newest Prada bag, and forget the Choos! Your dogs are much too big! (Possibly bigger than HRG's hat, but I digress).

Thanks for the straight offer. I appreciate it, I really do. But you know I am holding out for Smooth. And besides, your partner scares me - he is so intense. I have neither the skill nor the nerve to ride in one of his clinics!


saddlesore said:
Honestly, it is a BIG responsibility! I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations. You are so right: it is lonely at the top! And how difficult for me, to continue posting in my usual loquacious manner, knowing that so many eyes are watching my every word. Don't hate me for being verbose!

Nice try on the bag and shoes. I know you have been coveting my newest Prada bag, and forget the Choos! Your dogs are much too big! (Possibly bigger than HRG's hat, but I digress).

Thanks for the straight offer. I appreciate it, I really do. But you know I am holding out for Smooth. And besides, your partner scares me - he is so intense. I have neither the skill nor the nerve to ride in one of his clinics!
I ride in that clinic every night! :blushing: I think you done runt oft HRG. I guess he done took his dreams back to Nashville, or North Dakota or Waldorf, where ever the heck he is from..


KizerSoSay said:
I ride in that clinic every night! :blushing: I think you done runt oft HRG. I guess he done took his dreams back to Nashville, or North Dakota or Waldorf, where ever the heck he is from..

The closest trailer park, more like.

I think his dreams are really all he could carry, as his misspelled horse is a fake, and that hat is just too damn big to carry around.


saddlesore said:
The closest trailer park, more like.

I think his dreams are really all he could carry, as his misspelled horse is a fake, and that hat is just too damn big to carry around.
Rollin' rollin' rollin', keep them hot dogs rollin' rawhiiiiiide.
Lawd I wuz bawn a ramblin' maaan, tryin' to lie on the forum and doin' the best I can..
I almost miss him already.


I noticed your response time is getting slower and slower. What are you doing over there? (nervous tone, door handle turning slowly). Saddlesore?? Are you smoking something in there?? You open this door this instant, young lady!( frantic rattling of the door handle). You just wait until your father hears about this...


KizerSoSay said:
I noticed your response time is getting slower and slower. What are you doing over there? (nervous tone, door handle turning slowly). Saddlesore?? Are you smoking something in there?? You open this door this instant, young lady!( frantic rattling of the door handle). You just wait until your father hears about this...

I am frantically running between all these different threads! Doan chew fergit I lives in de backwater where we ain't got no fancy high speed connection. I already done got chewed out by Wenchy fer not seein her post on time. Dang - this low speed connection is lower than my karma!


saddlesore said:
I am frantically running between all these different threads! Doan chew fergit I lives in de backwater where we ain't got no fancy high speed connection. I already done got chewed out by Wenchy fer not seein her post on time. Dang - this low speed connection is lower than my karma!
Oh, ok. Ssssso, so you think you grown now cuz you got a lil bit of red karma? You the big boss now, is that it? Let let let lemme tell you sum sumthin. By tomorrow, you gonna see a red karma flash like a streak of bar be que sauce runnin' ride next to my name. Then we gone see jes who da mane is round cheer! I'm fittin' to go put my bib on right now.


KizerSoSay said:
Oh, ok. Ssssso, so you think you grown now cuz you got a lil bit of red karma? You the big boss now, is that it? Let let let lemme tell you sum sumthin. By tomorrow, you gonna see a red karma flash like a streak of bar be que sauce runnin' ride next to my name. Then we gone see jes who da mane is round cheer! I'm fittin' to go put my bib on right now.

Over my dead body! Wait - that's too drastic. Over my red Choos!


Welp Saddle, I see you are still very 'festively colored' this morning. Those late nights at the milonga will get you every dad gum time.


KizerSoSay said:
Welp Saddle, I see you are still very 'festively colored' this morning. Those late nights at the milonga will get you every dad gum time.

I may have set a record! I just checked and whilst I've received more green than red, I guess the red folks are old timers with more power. Thus, despite getting more green, I am still coloured in red. Which, BTW, is my best colour!

This is an interesting demographic study, though. It shows that the newer posters, the ones who most often give me green, are a more educated group, with a wittier sense of humour.

OTOH, the oldtimers, for the most part, are a less subtle and somewhat more dense lot. I'm sure there are exceptions, but this is what has been borne out thus far.

Makes you go hhhmmmmmmm.