Originally posted by Kirsten
1) How long did their twinspeak influence their normal language development?
2) I think some twinspeak is being mixed in to their speech and I can't figure out what the heck they are talking about.
1) I wouldn't say it hampered their normal speech development much at all. They were able to understand me when I was talking to them as they learned the early basic language skills. By the time they were pre-K age (about 4 yrs. old) they would talk normally to the rest of the world.
2) They'll grow out of it. Don't even try to learn their language, it's more fun to listen to them interact with each other when they don't know you're there.
I had no idea what they were saying to each other when they were alone, but they were quite verbal and they
knew how to interact and understand each other. They also had an older sister (by 2 yrs.) who seemed to understand them. If I got confused at what they were saying I would ask her and she would tell me.