High School Head Football coaching positions


New Member
Don't live in SOMD any longer but follow the area through my Enterprise subscription and family that's still there. Saw where La Plata HS went winless this year and recall they may have only won one game last year. Anyone hear if the Head Coach at La Plata is staying or "stepping down"? Anyone know of any SOMD HS's that will be looking for Head Football Coaches (by the time I get my Enterprise, the positions have been advertised, interviewed and filled!!)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
glenecho said:
Don't live in SOMD any longer but follow the area through my Enterprise subscription and family that's still there. Saw where La Plata HS went winless this year and recall they may have only won one game last year. Anyone hear if the Head Coach at La Plata is staying or "stepping down"? Anyone know of any SOMD HS's that will be looking for Head Football Coaches (by the time I get my Enterprise, the positions have been advertised, interviewed and filled!!)

You can now read it online... http://www.somdnews.com/


American Beauty
PREMO Member
glenecho said:
Thanks so much RoseRed...you ARE an American Beauty. I just added the link to my Favorites and will keep an eye on it. Thanks :howdy:

You're welcome.


New Member

Sorry to bump my own thread, but haven't seen anything on any of the online news sources and wondered if anyone's heard anything on this? Now's the time most schools are lookin' for new coaches, so maybe somebody's heard something that will help bring a SOMD boy home........ It's no fun bein' a redneck places where nobody's ever heard of stuffed ham.


New Member
Generally, yes, but neither St. Mary's or Charles Co have anything on their sites at this point. Plus, people usually hear word of these things before the counties get them posted.


New Member
La Plata HS Head FB position

Sorry to bump my own thread AGAIN, but anybody there in CC hearing anything on the La Plata Head Football coaching position? I understand they interviewed candidates over a week ago, but no news out on it yet. Maybe the snow/ice/school closings delayed things. Just wondering what folks may have heard that pay attention to this stuff.


New Member
I saw a thing in the MD Independent that North Point wanted JV baseball coaches. May call them and ask when they need coaches how they advertise. Good luck.


Can you ping me now? Good
La Plata Blue Knights ankle biters team should be looking for coaches......or a slight miracle. They haven't won a game I think in 2 years. :coffee:


New Member
Have you coached high school football before?
Do you have a teaching degree?
CCPS will hire a teacher from the ccps system first usually just to let you know.


New Member
Coach chosen

La Plata HS has apparently chosen a new head football coach. Anybody know who it is?

Word has it that things are a mess over there....poor teacher morale, race issues, etc. and that the Principal has stated at a teacher meeting that "athletics don't run this school, academics and performing arts do", so how successful can a new guy be? And what about the coaching turmoil at North Point...anybody know how all that played into La Plata's situation?