Charles Co. High school students compete in county Envirothon

High school students got back to nature April 16 when teams participated in the 2019 Charles County Envirothon held at Gilbert Run Park. Westlake High School’s team took first place, a team from Maurice J. McDonough High School came in second with a team from North Point High School placing third.

The academic competition is the culmination of lessons learned during seasonal trainings at the Charles Soil Conservation District. Students answer questions in five categories — aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife and a topic that changes each year. This year the fifth topic is Agriculture and the Environment: Knowledge & Technology to Feed the World.

Westlake will represent Charles County at the Maryland Envirothon hosted at St. Mary’s College in St. Mary’s City June 18 to 20. The national event is set for July 28 to Aug. 2 at North Carolina State University.

[ This article originally appeared here ]