High Speed internet.......


New Member
Anyone know when Mechanicsville can receive High Speed through GMP Cable??

Everytime I call they say "we are currently upgrading in your area, call back in about 2 weeks" I have been calling for a year now with the same answer.:mad:


Good luck! I have been getting the same response for over two years. I was able to get one way access which is a real pain because you still need a modem to log in and upload information. However, my previous computer did not like trying to talk with two modems, so I cancelled the service. Since then, I have moved to satellite TV and GMP said that if I want high speed internet access I have to pay for basic cable plus the $40/ month for the internet. I do not see the point in paying for cable service that I will never use. The satellite is cheaper, offers almost three times the channels, and is more reliable than cable, so I don't see me ever switching back.

Hopefully, one of the phone companies will upgrade their lines and offer DSL as an alternative.


Is verizon your local phone company? If it is, you can go to www.verizononline.com and enter your phone number to see if you can get dsl. I had it for awhile and prefered it over cable. Too bad I moved. I had dsl for 2 years and never had down time. Cable modem has already been out 3 times in the first month.

On an interesting sidebar, I read recently that we in the US are getting ripped off on high speed internet service anyways. In Japan you can get 26Meg/sec service for the same price we pay for 500k/sec.