Hillary Clinton Cleared of Mishandling Classified Information After 3-Year Private Email Probe


Well-Known Member
Despite that, 38 unidentified people were said to be "culpable" in 91 cases after sending classified information which made its way to Clinton's personal email.

Those cases were part of 588 violations that were found from the 33,000 emails, however, fault could not be determined in the remaining 497 cases.

The key word in the first post is "deliberate". Anyone with a thesaurus will note that is a synonym for "intentional."

In other words, it happened and was egregious, but they are saying they can't prove intent. This is very old news that backs up the original story: she grossly mishandled the information, information that being mishandled caused grave damage to national security, and they're not going to prosecute her.

The original counter argument of "intent is not required" also still holds.

The only thing new this article says is that they are going to prosecute others who have been involved with her crimes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"I'm sorry, we cannot read Hillary Clinton's mind. Therefore we cannot prove intent beyond a shadow of a doubt. We do, however, know exactly what Donald Trump is thinking and he dreams every day of being Hitler and throwing non-whites into concentration camps."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's kind of amazing how people are put away every single day for breaking the law, and nobody gives a chit about "intent". But Hillary gets away with wiping her fat ass on our national security, and they let her off the hook.


Well-Known Member
The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Hillary's "deep state" State Department cleared her. No surprise there.

The State Department is now the arbiter of guilt?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
The original counter argument of "intent is not required" also still holds.

HRC's email activities got at least 600 violations. How many would I have had to commit before going to jail? Certainly less than 600. If I were the boss and had 600 violations committed under my watch what are the odds of me sailing off into the sunset with nary a concern? Certainly very, very low. Approaching zero percent chance.

Yeah, it's politics. Nevertheless, she belongs in jail. Her subordinates belong in jail. If only pour encourager les autres.

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Well-Known Member
So these state dept employees are not above reproach like Clinton. If they broke the rules fire em. The deep state will be less deep.


Well-Known Member
The State Department has suffered under the idea that they run foreign policy and they are more powerful than the President for years.
They screwed over Bush and Colon Powell helped them do it.
Bush should have fired the whole sniveling bunch when he went into office but the Civil Service laws protect them.
The President can fire the head guys , but the Deep Staters are under protection,
It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is to fire a protected Civil service worker, especially if they are the right class.


Well-Known Member
The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Hillary's "deep state" State Department cleared her. No surprise there.

The State Department is now the arbiter of guilt?
Be kind of interesting to see what a mass suicide looks like inside the hallowed halls of Congress. And the US DoS. What's the record? Jim Jones still the holder of that one?


Well-Known Member

The State Department identified nearly 600 security violations in its now-completed review of email records of dozens of former agency officials and aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The investigation, which covered the 33,000 emails Clinton provided for review, found 91 "valid violations" attributable to 38 individuals, some of whom may face disciplinary action. Another 497 violations could not be tied to any specific person.


The report went on the state that tho violations WERE FOUND. There were no findings that indicated they were intentional. Translating to no one will be charged or indicted.

So she was cleared by the State Department.
What a phucking joke.


Well-Known Member
I'd be immediately charged with a crime if I had deleted even one email that had been SUBPOENAED.
She not only destroyed tens of thousands, but made certain they were not recoverable by any means,
by either smashing phones or using software to completely erase all data and any other servers they might
have temporarily resided on - a behavior I've NEVER HEARD OF when deleting emails about personal things like
recipes and wedding invitations and casual chat.

At the very least, I would be fired. Minimum. More likely, I'd also be fined. A steep fine.

For just ONE.

So I don't care what the State Department says about all this - we have people on the Hill wanting to JAIL
people for refusing to testify in the impeachment inquiry. Her documents were under subpoena and she destroyed
them - something the Clintons are famous for - "losing documents", sending flunkies to steal them, telling people to
hide them.

So, no, I can't get over it. I'm a government employee and I even get in trouble for not encrypting my emails that
have data on them. I would be SO fired if I did anything like what she did. The fact that she gets NOTHING is
something I'm never going to be ok with.


Well-Known Member
I'd be immediately charged with a crime if I had deleted even one email that had been SUBPOENAED.
She not only destroyed tens of thousands, but made certain they were not recoverable by any means,
by either smashing phones or using software to completely erase all data and any other servers they might
have temporarily resided on - a behavior I've NEVER HEARD OF when deleting emails about personal things like
recipes and wedding invitations and casual chat.

At the very least, I would be fired. Minimum. More likely, I'd also be fined. A steep fine.

For just ONE.

So I don't care what the State Department says about all this - we have people on the Hill wanting to JAIL
people for refusing to testify in the impeachment inquiry. Her documents were under subpoena and she destroyed
them - something the Clintons are famous for - "losing documents", sending flunkies to steal them, telling people to
hide them.

So, no, I can't get over it. I'm a government employee and I even get in trouble for not encrypting my emails that
have data on them. I would be SO fired if I did anything like what she did. The fact that she gets NOTHING is
something I'm never going to be ok with.

But she has been cleared by the State Department.