Hillary, Huma and Divorce...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...can you imagine how much better of Hillary would be now had she, long ago, dumped her husband? Same with Huma. We're not talking a break up over mundane things, boredom or normal incompatibilities and fading of ability and interest to care for one another. We're talking straight up sociopaths, both Anthony and Bill.

There is nothing noble or enriching or good or, most importantly, qualifying for leadership and power if your judgment is so poor, your morality so weak that you choose to continue to try and 'work it out' with a sociopath. It means there is also something deeply wrong with you. To Humas credit she, however belatedly, stop being part of his...issues...and was moving on. Hillary, man, had she dumped him the day they left the Oval Office and paid the price to grow and develop without his sickness dragging her down, she'd be finishing her second term, not trying to get her first.

Drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, emotional problems, you name it. When behavior long goes past help and patience and yet another chance, you're a sociopath. You do not care about those closest to you and that is not a qualification for highest office in the land. Neither is lacking the judgment to come to terms with it.


Well-Known Member
Because Hillary is a bigger sociopath than Bill. She's always been a scheming, conniving, and unethical person and Bill was her meal ticket to bigger and better things. His infidelity was overlooked because he made it possible for her to get where she is. I think in her mind that divorce would have made her irrelevant to working in the public, but likely in reality, once she had national recognition from being First Lady, she probably would have survived the stigma some might attach to being divorced.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Am I the only who remembers the 90s? How he had to be the largest person in the room. And smartest? The guy who lied to everybody, EVERYBODY. The dude who used the us military to kill the only pharmacological operation in Sudan to divert attention from a judicial proceding?

Hillary is corrupt. She's not a sociopath. She has people whom she cares about. He does not and never did.


The platform of Bill's success has enabled Hillary to act as a sociopath but I do think Bill has done far more than we know about.


I do remember and even further back was Bill's suspicious drug money passing government as a way to make it "clean" and pervert behavior when he was a governor.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...can you imagine how much better of Hillary would be now had she, long ago, dumped her husband?

The only reason she's where she is now is because of Bill Clinton. She has zero appeal on her own and has always ridden his charismatic coattails. No Bill, no Senate seat. No Senate seat, no nothing. Recall that she was not a popular First Lady - NOBODY liked her, not even the hard core Democrats.

She may very well be the brains of that operation, but he's the one who gets their foot in the door.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The only reason she's where she is now is because of Bill Clinton. She has zero appeal on her own and has always ridden his charismatic coattails. No Bill, no Senate seat. No Senate seat, no nothing. Recall that she was not a popular First Lady - NOBODY liked her, not even the hard core Democrats.

She may very well be the brains of that operation, but he's the one who gets their foot in the door.

I agree and that is why I say going through the divorce from a sociopath would have made her a better person and a damn site more sympathetic, real and improved her.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The platform of Bill's success has enabled Hillary to act as a sociopath but I do think Bill has done far more than we know about.


I do remember and even further back was Bill's suspicious drug money passing government as a way to make it "clean" and pervert behavior when he was a governor.

:tap: just look up the definition of the damn word, please. She has people whom she cares about. He does not. That is plain.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree and that is why I say going through the divorce from a sociopath would have made her a better person and a damn site more sympathetic, real and improved her.

I think you have it backwards. In order for her to divorce the sociopath, she'd have to be a better person. She's not, though. She wanted power and glory and he was her ticket to get it. It's a simple as that. If she weren't such an amazingly awful human being, perhaps her priorities might be different. She may lay awake at night thinking about her wreck of a life and wishing she'd made different choices. Then she wakes up in the morning and goes right back at it because that's who she is.


I agree and that is why I say going through the divorce from a sociopath would have made her a better person and a damn site more sympathetic, real and improved her.

I disagree with that... I think we are attracted to people who have qualities we want in ourselvesnted this power... just look at the reports of her behavior during Bill's 1st term PRIOR to all the sex non-sense coming to light.

Huma left her perv husband on the 29th of August.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you have it backwards. In order for her to divorce the sociopath, she'd have to be a better person. She's not, though. She wanted power and glory and he was her ticket to get it. It's a simple as that. If she weren't such an amazingly awful human being, perhaps her priorities might be different. She may lay awake at night thinking about her wreck of a life and wishing she'd made different choices. Then she wakes up in the morning and goes right back at it because that's who she is.

Totally get it. Maybe she can be a lesson to other awful people : it will come back to haunt you so, be a better person and get away from sociopaths.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who do you think she cares about?

Everything I read about she has a few key, long time people. Huma being one and some dude whose name escapes me as well as old time pals like Blumenthal. Bill has none of that, no long time associate or confident that he hasn't ditched, lied to or compromised. . This is not to call her a good person. It's to comment on the choice she made and the results.


I disagree with that... I think we are attracted to people who have qualities we want in ourselvesnted this power... just look at the reports of her behavior during Bill's 1st term PRIOR to all the sex non-sense coming to light.

Huma left her perv husband on the 29th of August.

Huh? It really is amazing how I can butcher a posting or message when using my phone. :dork:


If it wasn't for Bill, perhaps Hillary wouldn't have become the nasty bitch so many hate today.

She wouldn't have had the platform without Bill's success. Somewhere along the line, she became addicted to money and power and it will also be her downfall. Huma has a roll that is only to the benefit of the Clinton's and I doubt she really cares one iota about her. Hillary will let Huma fall on the blade if it means saving her reputation. I'm amazed you would think otherwise. :ohwell:
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Well-Known Member
If it wasn't for Bill, perhaps Hillary wouldn't have become the nasty bitch so many hate today.

I believe she's always been a nasty bitch, Bill had nothing to do with her nastiness. Clintons married in 1975. In 1974, we have this quote about Hillary being dismissed from the Watergate Investigation. “Because she was a liar, She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

Sociopath - A sociopath can be defined as a person who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals.

This fits Hillary like a glove.