

Super Genius
A pair of new things about Hillary's latest stance on Iraq on Drudge...

Hillary fine-tunes message on war in Iraq
Where's Hillary on Iraq?
Also a quote from the oh-so-intelligent ( :sarcasm: ) Tim Robbins:
Actor Tim Robbins Lashes Out: 'Hillary Clinton can kiss my butt... That ridiculous, ridiculous statement she's made on Iraq.' Comments made Thursday on AIR AMERICA'S 'Morning Sedition'...
Well played Senator...well played. She knows that the middle has the real power and is working to distance herself from the radical left. She's working on creating a base of the traditional Democrat stances and trying to add in the element of "strong on defense" that the Republicans are known for. She'll get a fair amount of the middle and the "Anybody But an Unnamed Republican" crowd if she plays it right. She won't get much of the right because her policies go against them, but she doesn't need them.

If we're lucky, she won't play it very well or her nomination (if it happens) will cause a fracture in the Dem party (possibly creating a Socialist party?) and she'll lose a significant portion of votes to them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Before her election to the Senate, has she had any other public office?
It could be argued that she was the President. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...if you start putting away a penny a day now, it won't seem like so much when the time comes.



Larry Gude said:
...if you start putting away a penny a day now, it won't seem like so much when the time comes.


Heck... I've got me an awesome cherry red (Matchbox) Mustang GT all picked out and just waiting for your envelope to arrive.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One is always compelled to admire...

Bruzilla said:
Heck... I've got me an awesome cherry red (Matchbox) Mustang GT all picked out and just waiting for your envelope to arrive.

...feisty enthusiasm when it is displayed in the face of overwhelming odds.

Good show!