Hillary - Scary


Nothing to see here

...excerpt from a FR post.......

Here's why..and to help explain, let's use a football analogy. It's what happens when the defense commits a penalty at the start of a play. The offense gets a "free play." No matter what happens, the pass gets intercepted, a fumble occurs..the offensive team gets the ball back...and they just might score a touchdown..

OK..now in political terms...let's assume the following..

1. Kerry's poll numbers continue to decline over the next two weeks.

2. The CBS memo scandal continues to unravel, and more and more it looks like the Kerry campaign was the source of the forged memos.

3. Several of the Senate races worsen for the Dems.

An electoral disaster is in the making for the Democratic party.

Nothing so far to argue with, right? Indeed, most of you reading this would say all the above are probably correct.

OK. The decision inside the Dem power structure is made to replace Kerry, and have the Dem National Committee choose Hillary as the nominee. ( Never mind how they get Kerry to withdraw, any number of reasons/methodologies suggest themselves) Read the post on FR here


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No way. Doesn't she have to file as a candidate by a certain time to get her name on the ballot? Plus we all know that most "voters" aren't really paying attention to what's going on - they just click for the R or D. John Kerry could be dead and STILL do better than Hillary Clinton on election day because he's the one they think they should be voting for.


Nothing to see here
vraiblonde said:
No way. Doesn't she have to file as a candidate by a certain time to get her name on the ballot?

Rules are for Republicans, maybe you didn't get the memo?? :lmao:...Sorry, I obsess about her, she is the scariest person in the Dem party IMO.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
While fascinating...

...that is a rather absurd, in my opinion, proposition.

Replacements might get a pat on the back but they do NOT gain front runner status.

If Hillary walks out there in this last minute Hail Mary, her every word is loaded with fatal risk to the stated real goal: 2008

Every faux pas and mispoken word is now national, not something said at a luncheon of supporters at Tavern on the Green that can be passed off as just pumping up the troops.

She's not ready.

It is CRITICAL to the Clinton plan that Kerry be on hand to take the blame in full because he is part and parcel, the chosen one, of the liberal New England old school Kennedy power base that Bill had to overcome, via the moderate Democratic Leadership Council, to gain the nomination for '92.

This also knocks potential rival Edwards down a notch who, FWIW, has apparently noticed how stupid he was starting to sound as a Kerry cheerleader and is taking a lower key to save himself.

A Kerry flame out puts the DNC power back in the DLC's corner, which is the Clintons playground and power base.

Kerry, to Hillary's benefit, is already running around ignoring Bill's very public advice to quit on Viet Nam. "I told you so...wouldn't listen to me..."

Hillary has said all the right things and voted all the right ways to keep building a solid service resume, unlike Kerry who CAN'T even bring up his Senate record. She can and will gain national front runner status over the 2nd Bush term building on all of Kerry's mistakes of NOT focusing on the domestic agenda which is THE path to a Democratic presidency.

She can get her name on some key legislation. She makes the TV rounds and opines on every key issue.

This guys proposition that Hillary won't want to muss her hair in the snow of Iowa and eat pie in New Hampshire is rediculous; she's married to Bill.

She's tough enough to do it even if she doesn't like it.

I would be stunned otherwise.