
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I still thin k she'll run for Prez but forget everything else I said about her chances.

I caught the clip of her talking about the House of Reps and how it is run like a plantation and how 'y'all know what I mean...'

1. She looked like hell, warmed over.

2. She sounded like an exceptionally idiotic person. Gore-esque. Kerry-esque even.

There is no way she can keep the inner moron under wraps through the pressures of a campaign.

She is tone deaf and clueless.


Larry Gude said:
...I still thin k she'll run for Prez but forget everything else I said about her chances.

I caught the clip of her talking about the House of Reps and how it is run like a plantation and how 'y'all know what I mean...'

1. She looked like hell, warmed over.

2. She sounded like an exceptionally idiotic person. Gore-esque. Kerry-esque even.

There is no way she can keep the inner moron under wraps through the pressures of a campaign.

She is tone deaf and clueless.
Told ya, she has the charisma of a bent trash can lid. Pizz poor speaker....... [headbob]"and youuuuuu allllll knowwwwww what I am talkin abouuuut[/headbob]


On another note if I was Trent Lott I would be kicking Frist's door down. After the GOP cowered, rolled on their backs and peed themselves and shiat canned him for stroking Strom Thurmonds 101 year old ego with a meaningless comment yet The Grand funk Master Hillary calls the GOP led house "a plantation" yet not one peep from GOP leadership?

I would be HOT


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...I still thin k she'll run for Prez but forget everything else I said about her chances.

I caught the clip of her talking about the House of Reps and how it is run like a plantation and how 'y'all know what I mean...'

1. She looked like hell, warmed over.

2. She sounded like an exceptionally idiotic person. Gore-esque. Kerry-esque even.

There is no way she can keep the inner moron under wraps through the pressures of a campaign.

She is tone deaf and clueless.

Everyone has mentioned her Plantation remark but never in the context I think they should.

I think it racist of her to assume, since she was talking to a room full of black people, that they would know what she meant by saying the House was ran like a plantation.. I don't know how a plantation was run 100 years ago, I wasn't there, what makes her think a black person would? I'm sure, just as if I was talking to a group here in MD, that none of them has lived on a plantation nor picked a single boll of cotton.


This Space for Rent
You should have seen The Daily Show. After bashing on the Republicans being crooks, Jon Stewart wonders why the Repubs stay in such power... then he flashes to the clip of Hillary and the plantation bit, then they flash to Ray Nagin and the chocolate bit, and then to Nancy Pelosi getting run down by some of her own quacks in a speech.

They also had the best little bit on the taint in Congress. No way to describe that bit. I hope it gets put on ebaums or something.


This Space for Rent
FromTexas said:
You should have seen The Daily Show. After bashing on the Republicans being crooks, Jon Stewart wonders why the Repubs stay in such power... then he flashes to the clip of Hillary and the plantation bit, then they flash to Ray Nagin and the chocolate bit, and then to Nancy Pelosi getting run down by some of her own quacks in a speech.

They also had the best little bit on the taint in Congress. No way to describe that bit. I hope it gets put on ebaums or something.

They have the video with the bit I mentioned here... click on The Replacement Killers to watch it.


And Condollezi Rice is the Ying to Hillary's Yang. ...

If Hillary runs...Condi will run....

i'm a figgurin...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's not their 'problem'...

vraiblonde said:
THAT was funny! :lmao: And illustrates perfectly the Democrats' problem - they're tone deaf. It's like they all got Algoritis or something.

On another note, I'd read Ray Nagin's comments but had never actually heard or seen him before, that I recall. I kept expecting him to say "Yo shawty - whut up".

...it IS who they are.

Consider, if a Republican went out and said:

"We need to make the Democrats in the House pick cotton and live in shacks and whip them into compliance."


"We need to make sure only rich white people live in certain parts of NO and keep the coloreds in their place."


"We need to use the courts, our courts, to mandate a GOP winner in ever election nationwide."

Now, every one of those statements would be heard by Democratic ears, a majority of them, as the truth, how GOP'ers really think and see the world.

They would also be met with outrage and whomever said them would be gone tomorrow, by insistance of Republicans.

So, there are certain things you can't say as a Republican. Because we get accussed of this stuff all the time by the media and, obviously, Democrats, there is a strong desire to take those opportunities and make a very big statement that there is no Klan in the GOP, unlike the Democratic party, and there are no race based policies or planning in the GOP, unlike the Democratic party and there is no using the courts to shape the world, unlike the Democratic party.

On the flip side, Hillary and Nagin and Pelosi can and just about must say things like this BECAUSE there is profound racism in the Democratic party and because there is segregation in the Democratic party and there is a 'use the courts' when you lose the votes mentality in the Democratic party. And no one, no one on their side will call them out on this, let alone demand their removal from power.

Are there any blacks in position of national power in the Demcoratic party?

Were there any for eight years under Clinton besides Jocyln Elders?

Who constantly obsesses over the courts?

Who has Ray Negin? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Race baiters.

Add Hillary.

Problem? How about identity.