New Member
I just seen this in the Marriage Accouncements. How fake is this lol. Like Paris Hilton will even step foot in Solomons or St Marys County. What do you all think?? Real or False :shrug:
Hilton - Lozano
Monday, January 01, 2007
Paris Hilton of New York and Carlos Lozano of San Antonio will be married on Monday, January 01, 2007 in On the grassy hill overlooking the Patuxent River.. The bride is the daughter of The Hiltons. The groom is the son of The Lozanos.
The newlyweds will spend their honeymoon in the Pacific island of Solomons. The couple is registered at Hechts.
All are invited to join us on this special day of love. After three weeks of romance we decided that this relationship is more than special.
Hilton - Lozano
Monday, January 01, 2007
Paris Hilton of New York and Carlos Lozano of San Antonio will be married on Monday, January 01, 2007 in On the grassy hill overlooking the Patuxent River.. The bride is the daughter of The Hiltons. The groom is the son of The Lozanos.
The newlyweds will spend their honeymoon in the Pacific island of Solomons. The couple is registered at Hechts.
All are invited to join us on this special day of love. After three weeks of romance we decided that this relationship is more than special.