Hip replacement


New Member
Has anyone here had a hip replacement recently? What is your experience with having it done? I've already had 2 knee replacements and they went fine, but this scares me. I'm going on a cruise on May 1 and trying to decide whether to have it done before or ater. THANKS!!


New Member
I had mine replaced in 2005 and I was 38 years old. I had it done at 8 am and was walking to the bathroom at 4pm. I haven't had a knee done so I can't compare recovery times. If it were me I would wait until after your trip in May. I don't think that you will be recovered enough to enjoy your trip. I was off work for 6 weeks and needed most of that time to feel comfortable walking without assistance.

You should also discuss your trip with your doctor and get his opinion.


My Sweetest Boy
My dad had has 2 knee replacements and his siblings have had hip replacements. The recovery was much easier on the hip replacement patients. Up moving much faster and just generally healed up quicker. I do remember that the hip operation can be "bloodier" and my uncle was required to have "extra" blood on hand...not sure if that's the case with all of the hip replacements.

Good Luck!


New Member
Catt you are correct. I choose to donate 2 pints of my own blood and I got them both back after my surgery. I had to put my surgery off because I had to wait 3 weeks between donations and then another week or 2 after my last one.


Well-Known Member
I've had a hip and a knee done and will probably get the other hip in maybe a year. The hip is by far the easiest. The recovery protocol for the knee, in my opinion, is ignorant. I feel it is designed that way because of Americans dislike of heavy exercise.

Hip recovery should be much quicker than your knee's but you will enjoy your cruise much more if you delay it. I think your doctor will put the kabosh on it that soon anyway.

Be sure to get a surgeon with a lot of good experience.