History channel now


Obama destroyed America
A riveting show with uncut footage from 9/11.

Shows the people jumping. :bawl:

So sad.


off the shelf
A riveting show with uncut footage from 9/11.

Shows the people jumping. :bawl:

So sad.

There was a documentary on the year after it happened that was done by a cameraman that was at "ground zero"....he was with some fireman and filmed inside the buildings before the collapse....he was filming inside the lobby when the first people started to jump....you could hear them in the back ground hitting the glass roof top

It was so upsetting that when he started to pan around to find out what the noise was and one of the fireman said it was a jumper, I had to turn it off


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A riveting show with uncut footage from 9/11.

Saw it on Thursday and cried through most of it. Tough to take.

The part where the older heavyset professionally dressed guy is talking to the camera, then he says, "I can't talk to you," and walks away. I started bawling there and didn't let up until well after the end.


New Member
I have a hard time watching anything 9/11 related. My gf watches them all but I can't. I have to leave the room or tune it out. It always reminds me of the power point that came out shortly after showing the people jumping and hanging in the air.