History Channel "Story of Us"


Well-Known Member
Did anybody with a History degree review the script?
Did editors decide that one episode from 9 pm-11 pm could readily cover the era 1607-1781 with any degree of thoroughness or did they just decide: lets throw events in a hat and pull the top 5?

Did any researchers verify some of their outlandish claims or did they just throw in some wierd revisionist crap that is totally undocumented?

**innoculations were taught by Africans? Oh?
WRONG: It originated with Dr Mather in Mass during the first decade of 1700.

**Von Steubon had been under a cloud of Homosexual behavior?
WRONG: he married into the Aristocratic line (I will need to confirm this...) of NY and GW ordered any Homo behavior was to be met with 500 lashes --he would never have tolerated that. The source of the perversion of history is Randy Shilts: A gay activist writer in San Fran who was a dear friend of Harvey Milk...yeah, that is real scholarship.

**"The Sharpshooters" ( a term barely known until nearly the CW) carrying rifles (while they show a doglock being held by a frontiersmen)...and then claim they had the advantage of batonets
WRONG: Never on Rifles, only muskets...not until MUCH later.

**"20% of NYC women were prostitutes under the British"
WRONG: There NO documentation, no records, arrests, only mockery by the British occupyers who had no affection for Americans anyway.

**"Redoubt #9 was stormed in a hail of gunfire & grenades...and surrender followed two days later."
WRONG: Hamilton led the attack (Oct 14+)and the British defenders were swarmed within their own lines: it was over in 15 minutes...and the Brits decided to surrender 4 Days later on Oct 19th

How can you cover the Revolution and never once mention
a) Bunker Hill
b) The Invasion of Canada
c) Women in the War (other than prostitutes)
d) Invasion of the South: Savannah-Charleston-Wilmington-Richmond...etc
e) Loss of Philadelphia (Brandywine/Paoli/Germantown/Mercer/Monmouth)
f) NO mention of 31,000+ German troops in the war

Being in at least four documentaries,...I should have known they would screw this up,...and they more than outdid themselves.
Please parents: DO NOT let your kids watch this & consider it history...its about as accurate at Disney's Pocahontas.

man I am ticked: Almost want to let the sponsors know I am disgusted at this sham. (Got me in a fine mood when they opened with some pithy remarks by our imposter in chief.)...I am so glad we have a mute button.
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I bowl overhand
Did anybody with a History degree review the script?
Did editors decide that one episode from 9 pm-11 pm could readily cover the era 1607-1781 with any degree of thoroughness or did they just decide: lets throw events in a hat and pull the top 5?

Did any researchers verify some of their outlandish claims or did they just throw in some wierd revisionist crap that is totally undocumented?

**innoculations were taught by Africans? Oh?
WRONG: It originated with Dr Mather in Mass during the first decade of 1700.

**Von Steubon had been under a cloud of Homosexual behavior?
WRONG: he married into the Aristocratic line of NY and GW ordered any Homo behavior was to be met with 500 lashes --he would never have tolerated that.

**"The Sharpshooters" ( a term barely known until nearly the CW) carrying rifles (while they show a doglock being held by a frontiersmen)...and then claim they had the advantage of batonets
WRONG: Never on Rifles, only muskets...not until MUCH later.

**"20% of NYC women were prostitutes under the British"
WRONG: There NO documentation, no records, arrests, only mockery by the British occupyers who had no affection for Americans anyway.

**"Redoubt #9 was stormed in a hail of gunfire & grenades...and surrender followed two days later."
WRONG: Hamilton led the attack (Oct 14+)and the British defenders were swarmed within their own lines: it was over in 15 minutes...and the Brits decided to surrender 4 Days later on Oct 19th

How can you cover the Revolution and never once mention
a) Bunker Hill
b) The Invasion of Canada
c) Women in the War (other than prostitutes)
d) Invasion of the South: Savannah-Charleston-Wilmington-Richmond...etc
e) Loss of Philadelphia

Being in at least four documentaries,...I should have known they would screw this up,...and they more than outdid themselves.
Please parents: DO NOT let your kids watch this & consider it history...its about as accurate at Disney's Pocahontas.

man I am ticked: Almost want to let the sponsors know I am disgusted at this sham. (Got me in a fine mood when they opened with some pithy remarks by our imposter in chief.)...I am so glad we have a mute button.

But Obama said ten times how proud we should be of THIS history.. our forefathers..

I thought there was doubt as to Paul REvere's ride as history has shown that he was in prison on the day he was to have made the ride.


Well-Known Member

had at least three compatriots on the night of his ride and by all accounts was captured by a Brit patrol less than 2 miles from Lexington. William Dawes continued to spread the alarm.
The ringing of the community church bells unsettled the Brits (near 2 am)who unceremonially dumped him off his horse, and he walked the rest of the way to Concord.