Ho' be gone!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Trying to land that picky prude, that Captain Kirk type who desires to go where no man has gone before?

Perhaps you had a little too much fun in college and you need a tune up, perhaps a retread?

Maybe you just want to start all over again?

Maybe you live in an Islamic nation and your misspent youth has just left you...####ed...as far as upward mobility and marrying into wealth and power and that two camel garage?

That's right, ladies! Ho Be Gone is for you!

Egyptian Lawmakers to Ban Kit That Helps Women Fake Virginity - Women's Health - FOXNews.com

CAIRO — Conservative Egyptian lawmakers have called for a ban on imports of a Chinese-made kit meant to help women fake their virginity and one scholar has even called for the "exile" of anyone who imports or uses it.

The Artificial Virginity Hymen kit, distributed by the Chinese company Gigimo, costs about $30. It is intended to help newly married women fool their husbands into believing they are virgins — culturally important in a conservative Middle East where sex before marriage is considered by many to be illicit. The product leaks a blood-like substance when inserted and broken.

Sign of the times; Even virtue is made in China.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Those crazy Islamics.

Who is crazy? They didn't make this thing! They are simply sound, reasonable opponents of false advertising! The whack jobs are them damn Chinks! Why, they even make a virgin restoration product for men.

Sells like hot cakes in West Virginia...


Who is crazy? They didn't make this thing! They are simply sound, reasonable opponents of false advertising! The whack jobs are them damn Chinks! Why, they even make a virgin restoration product for men.

Sells like hot cakes in West Virginia...

The Chinks are only satisfying a market :lol:


They're out to get us
Who is crazy? They didn't make this thing! They are simply sound, reasonable opponents of false advertising! The whack jobs are them damn Chinks! Why, they even make a virgin restoration product for men.

Sells like hot cakes in West Virginia...

i was about to say that only retards would buy a virgin restoration product for men, but then the last sentence answered that for me. :whistle: