Ho hum


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wish George Bush would invade a country or something. It's been so boring that the most active and popular threads at the DU are the ones dealing with Valerie Plame - they want Bush's head, even though he didn't have anything to do with it.

You know times are tough when that's all they can think of to impeach Bush over.

Oh...and they're bawling over Hunter S. Thompson. :rolleyes:


Nothing about the secret tape recordings made by his dads aide where he is talking about smoking pot?


Of course since most of them are high 24/7 I don't suppose they would be casting stones at him for toking a dube in his youth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Nothing about the secret tape recordings made by his dads aide where he is talking about smoking pot?
Wish I could register an account - I'd start a thread. :dance:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They're probably avoiding the topic because Bush says he didn't make a big deal out of it when asked because he didn't want kids to think "Well, the President did it, why can't I?"

I'll bet Bill Clinton is going, "Damn! I wish I'd have thought of that excuse!! :mad:" :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
Wish I could register an account - I'd start a thread. :dance:
Unfortunately I burned all my chances to register too. I am out of email addresses. Arguing anythign at the DU is futile anyway. I last about 7 minutes before they ban me, then you have to sit and read them trash you and you cannot fight back.

I am buying more ALCOA stock tomorrow. It should be about time for them to remake their tin foil helmets.


Football season!
I actually liked the bits and pieces of the tape they have transcripts for. Heck, had he come out with some of those things in his first campaign I probably would have voted for him then. But then again, many on the christian right may not have voted for him so he probably made the right call.
As for the drug issue, I would love to find anyone in that generation who hadn't at least tried something.


Me, me, me! I'm from that generation and never tried anything!

I read those transcripts, and I didn't see where he admitted to anything. I read a lot of "if this question comes up what will you say?" and Bush replying "I think I'll handle it this way." Did someone see something where he came and said something like "yeah I inhaled, and I drank the bongwater too!"


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
Me, me, me! I'm from that generation and never tried anything!

hehe j/k

Bruzilla said:
I read those transcripts, and I didn't see where he admitted to anything. I read a lot of "if this question comes up what will you say?" and Bush replying "I think I'll handle it this way." Did someone see something where he came and said something like "yeah I inhaled, and I drank the bongwater too!"
guess the foxnews version left it out :killingme

Bush says he "wouldn't answer the marijuana question ... 'cause I don't want some little kid doing what I tried."

"But you gotta understand, I want to be president, I want to lead. I want to set -- Do you want your little kid to say, 'Hey daddy, President Bush tried marijuana, I think I will?' " he said.
See, this is the type of stuff I want our leader to say! I think the parts I have seen are great and shed a little more light on Bush the person, not just Bush the person trying to get the most votes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fox had a pair of commentators talking about this while I was on the treadmill yesterday - a conservative dude and a liberal dude. They were both more outraged by the "friend" taping the conversations and going public with them than they were about anything Bush had to say.


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
Fox had a pair of commentators talking about this while I was on the treadmill yesterday - a conservative dude and a liberal dude. They were both more outraged by the "friend" taping the conversations and going public with them than they were about anything Bush had to say.
Maybe we're seeing the Dems keeping a low profile while they try to regroup and redefine themselves. They probably recognize they have a lot of damage to repair.


More likely is the fact that the Democrats are the last people on Earth who want to engage in a debate over past illegal drug use! :lmao: I'm sure Boxer probably did drink the bong water.