Hockey fans in Russia throw bananas on ice at black hockey player.


Well-Known Member
:banana: :banana: Fan racism against black soccer players in Europe spilled into the rink yesterday, as spectators in St. Petersburg, Russia, twice tossed bananas or banana peels on to the ice at Anson Carter. :banana: :banana:

Carter, a Scarborough native playing with a touring team of locked-out National Hockey League stars, wasn't bothered.

"It's no big deal," Carter, 30, told reporters in Russia. "I'm not surprised — look around."



Not dead yet.
To paraphrase Blazing Saddles:

"What did you expect? Welcome Sonny, glad to see you, come marry our daughter? These are the common simple folk of the soil. You know, - - - MORONS."

Glad to hear that ignorant people don't just live in the red states (and counties) of the good ol' USA. Sorry to hear the Anson Carter had to deal with a load of crap. I always liked watching him play, especially on a line with Jason Allison, back when the Caps were good in the mid-90's