HOF; Barry Larkin...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hall of Fame and steroids: Questions no one wants to answer - The Washington Post

Boswell, draw the line on steroids and the Hall of Fame. he says this is the last fun year with Larkin being a fun, easy, happy choice with only Bagwell to snub but next year...

...the Bagwell snub is just foreshadowing. Starting next year, when Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa are eligible, these Hall elections will be like so many other aspects of life: a do-the-best-we-can decision made under circumstances where there’s often no correct answer. In other words, it’ll be exactly the way we don’t want it.

Enjoy Larkin. Henceforth, we’re probably going to be forced to use a single standard to eliminate candidates or else grant them the benefit of the doubt — even if we have plenty of ’em. We’re not going to like it. It’s not going to be completely fair. But this is where we’re headed: Did he ever get caught cheating? If he did, he’s “out.” If not, he’s “safe.”

This is crap, crap, crap and the sportswriters are to blame for it because they are THE WRITERS. They are the ones who are supposed to protect the fan and the players and, most importantly, the game, with their mighty pens.

But, noooooooo. Ball players had millions on the line. They gave them a pass. Fans love home runs. They gave us a pass. Owners just want paying customers. They gave them a pass. There are no hero's in this mess at all except the players who chose not to bulk up and, by the looks of things, they aren't much a part of it because everyone, from Brady Anderson to Roger the Rocket and pretty much all points in between were using stuff to be stronger, to heal sooner, to throw harder, to last longer.

Instead of the torture Boswell imagines, why don't the writers just do what they always do; like everybody else, take the easy way out and just let 'em all in? The fans don't much care. The owners and players sure don't and it is a bit more than I can stomach for the writers to start caring now long after the story wrote itself and they, after the house burned down, came running to the rescue.
