Governor Hogan and Baker: Governors focus on transportation bottlenecks


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From: Boston Globe

“Governors from both parties recognize that until we can secure greater cooperation in Washington, D.C., states must bridge the gap — and we are.”

Boston Globe
By Governors Larry Hogan (MD) and Charlie Baker (MA)
August 26, 2019

“The United States is an increasingly mobile society. When it comes to our smartphones and other devices, most people are more connected, and at higher speeds, than ever before. But we are also seeing the effects of decades of under-investment in our transportation system on our roads, bridges, and public transit.

“We recognize the impacts of a slow MBTA or Metro connection, or congested highway — wasted time, fuel, emissions, and money in moving products to market and the frustrating barrier between a hard-working parent and getting home for dinner on time.

“For our nation to maximize its economic potential, reduce our environmental footprint, and ensure Americans’ safety and quality of life, we need modern, well-functioning infrastructure. And it is increasingly falling to governors and local leaders to act.”

Read the full article here.
