Hogan's $15 Hourly Wage Veto Overturned


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Just saw that Hogan's veto was overturned.

From a BayNet release:

Annapolis, MD - Ricarra Jones of Maryland's Fight for $15 Coalition released the following statement on behalf of the Coalition after the Maryland General Assembly voted to override Governor Larry Hogan's veto of the minimum wage bill today:

"We are thrilled the Maryland General Assembly did what was needed in Maryland and overrode Governor Hogan's veto today to pass the minimum wage bill. Hogan vetoed the bill based on unfounded claims and big business interests, turning his back on hundreds of thousands of workers who can't survive on $400 a week. Today, our legislative leaders righted his wrong and raised the wage to lift up so many hard-working people in our state. Today was a victory for working families."

--- End of line (MCP)


It's a Jeep thang!
Now I do not have to leave tips. Good for them, they get a higher minimum wage, good for me, I pay for my meal and/or drinks and move on. No more calculating, 15%, 20%, etc. Of course the bad news is, the price of my meals and/or drinks are probably going to go up. But hey, they got their money.