Hollywood: YTD Box Office Down 43 Percent


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
‘Fall Guy’ Launches Summer Slump, YTD Box Office Down 43 Percent

The Fall Guy stumbled out of the weekend box office well below expectations for the start of the summer movie-going season. This drove the year-to-date box office down 43 percent compared to 2019.


But first…

Compared to last year’s disappointing box office performance, 2024 is down 22 percent.

Please, please, please don’t buy the spin from the sycophantic entertainment media. The problem is not streaming, the pandemic, or a lack of product. The problem is this…

Hollywood is not making movies people want to see.

There was streaming in 2019.

The pandemic is three years behind us.

There has been no shortage of wide releases this year.

The problem is the appeal of the product — the product is movies, and polls prove people are falling out of love with the movies.



Just sneakin' around....
This drove the year-to-date box office down 43 percent compared to 2019.
Compared to last year’s disappointing box office performance, 2024 is down 22 percent.
Why spend a fortune to see a movie in a theater, put up with uncouth patrons, the interruptions, unclean theater..... when you can sit in luxury at home and watch for the cost of a streaming subscription. Better low cost snacks and drinks, a 'pause' button. The pandemic was just the push people needed to break the routine and find a better way.

I haven't been to a theater in absolutely forever; I think it was back in 2000.


Well-Known Member
Why spend a fortune to see a movie in a theater, put up with uncouth patrons, the interruptions, unclean theater..... when you can sit in luxury at home and watch for the cost of a streaming subscription. Better low cost snacks and drinks, a 'pause' button. The pandemic was just the push people needed to break the routine and find a better way.

I haven't been to a theater in absolutely forever; I think it was back in 2000.
For one, it's a great date, with an actual live human being. Beats sitting in the house, staring at the same old television day in and day out and if you go in the middle of the week, later in the afternoon, the theater is not crowded. Pair that with dinner out and a beer at the Green Door on the way home to sit on the porch swing...pure happiness.


Well-Known Member
I believe that most sane people have had enough of the woke bullshit. I certainly won't pay to go see it.
Gotta say, I am finding MORE and MORE network shows that we watch totally infused with woke crap and left-leaning fantasies about the right, about people who live in rural areas and so forth. I'm watching shows all about how terrible people are to say, trans people - or about how all cops are racist pigs - or all about how the world will end because of climate change and people who speak against it are terrible and need to be silenced - all about how awful Israel is and how people are mean to Muslims -

ALL of this, endured during TV shows we like to watch -

But - yeah getting tired of it. Shows have ceased to be entertaining and are mostly social sermons.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Gotta say, I am finding MORE and MORE network shows that we watch totally infused with woke crap and left-leaning fantasies about the right, about people who live in rural areas and so forth. I'm watching shows all about how terrible people are to say, trans people - or about how all cops are racist pigs - or all about how the world will end because of climate change and people who speak against it are terrible and need to be silenced - all about how awful Israel is and how people are mean to Muslims -

ALL of this, endured during TV shows we like to watch -

But - yeah getting tired of it. Shows have ceased to be entertaining and are mostly social sermons.
I've been watching more and more stuff from the 60s, 70s and 80s.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Gotta say, I am finding MORE and MORE network shows that we watch totally infused with woke crap and left-leaning fantasies about the right, about people who live in rural areas and so forth. I'm watching shows all about how terrible people are to say, trans people - or about how all cops are racist pigs - or all about how the world will end because of climate change and people who speak against it are terrible and need to be silenced - all about how awful Israel is and how people are mean to Muslims -

ALL of this, endured during TV shows we like to watch -

But - yeah getting tired of it. Shows have ceased to be entertaining and are mostly social sermons.
I've been watching more and more stuff from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
I've noticed it too. I don't watch many current network shows just for this reason. I stick with older ones that I can stream.


PREMO Member
Gotta say, I am finding MORE and MORE network shows

I've noticed it too. I don't watch many current network shows just for this reason. I stick with older ones that I can stream.

' New ' TV I have watched in the past 5 yrs

SAS Rogue Hero's

The Peripheral


The Bad Batch

and those I downloaded .... I did not watch on ' Cable '


Just sneakin' around....
There are some disappointments watching old shows. I've been binging Laugh In from the 60s. What I remember as very funny, sexy, pressing the censors...... is really kinda dumb now. But Goldie still makes me smile.

I have been able to catch up on a lot of the shows I never got to see, like Red Dwarf, Andromeda, Babylon 5 (which I stopped watching because it was really stupid...). Found a movie Atlantic Rim, which is a
BAD takeoff of Pacific Rim. Oi.


Well-Known Member
There are some disappointments watching old shows. I've been binging Laugh In from the 60s. What I remember as very funny, sexy, pressing the censors...... is really kinda dumb now. But Goldie still makes me smile.

I have been able to catch up on a lot of the shows I never got to see, like Red Dwarf, Andromeda, Babylon 5 (which I stopped watching because it was really stupid...). Found a movie Atlantic Rim, which is a
BAD takeoff of Pacific Rim. Oi.
Strange, I think Babylon 5 is one of the very best sci-fi shows ever made.

BUT - it helps to know the entire series is ONE long story arc, which is why it just went five years. That was the whole story.

It does ramp slowly in the first season, and the two characters that seem to be slapstick comic relief change a great deal - one suffers and endures great tragedy and emerges a spiritual leader who gives at least two or three pieces I think are tremendous. The other becomes vicious abd powerful and ends sadly.

The series finale made me cry. It was excellent.

It really gets going half way through the second season. I often introduce people to the show with “In the Shadow of Z’Ha’Dum” because it lays out most of the primary story.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I believe that most sane people have had enough of the woke bullshit. I certainly won't pay to go see it.

That, and once these "stars" come out and insult half their audience, call them nasty names, not to mention support Islamic terrorism, that's going to be that. It's hard to watch a movie or TV show and not see the character trying to be a romantic lead when they get on Twitter every day and act like raving hate filled lunatics.

Celebrities aren't as important as they think they are.


happy to be living
One of the last movies I saw at a theatre was ruined because a young **** waffle a few rows behind me had that already seen the movie kept preparing her companions for what she considered memorable scenes and said "oh watch this" "this is so funny", "watch what's happening next", etc. She narrated through the whole movie. Call me old but many younger people seem ok with someone telling them how or what to think and not having their own opinion

Personally, I would have rather enjoyed the movie with her mouth being sewn shut and left to form my own opinions; I would have happily gone without hers.

And I could care less what the fu@k washed up, has been entertainers' opinion about politics. Or anything else, for that matter. Many of them were good when in their prime in a grossly overpaid profession that has lost their edge and they are trying so hard to be current and relevant.

Ain't happening in my world.


the poor dad
We are hooked on the Match Game every night at 7pm. No way Gene Rayburn would get away with those comments today to the female contestants.


Well-Known Member
For one, it's a great date, with an actual live human being. Beats sitting in the house, staring at the same old television day in and day out and if you go in the middle of the week, later in the afternoon, the theater is not crowded. Pair that with dinner out and a beer at the Green Door on the way home to sit on the porch swing...pure happiness.
Theatres are gross and when a pack of negros are in there all you hear is there big lips flapping


Well-Known Member
I would rather watch reruns of Seinfield and Two and a half men and All in the Family then go to the movies or watch most movies at home because they all suk as just about all sitcoms now a days like 911 and that dumb ass show with the prisoners putting out fires,Chicago fire how do shows like that keep going by now all of Chicago should be burnt down in other words TV now suks...
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