Holy God



Beautiful prayer Zuchick... But I never pray like that. I'm always like, Hi God.... I had a really crummy day and I really need you here. Don't forget me and please take care of Aunt Mary, she's sick again. I Love you. Kain....

Raised in a "Daddy God" Enviroment. :smile:


Wanna know a real secret? The best way to lead the lost to God is by example. Not by using big fancy words or strutting your stuff.... but by saying ya know what? I am lost and scared too. When I feel terrified, ugly, boring, stupid, alone .... I climb in Gods lap and he loves me anyway.

He doesn't expect anything huge from us.... Just our love.

That's me, Zuchick and ya know what? It's less intimidating then the Bold statement your trying to make.

You know I love ya.... Just as you are.... but maybe theres a better way ya know?:wink: