Suffered the same fate, after a computer session by my young nephew.
My homepage would be changed, on-line dialers trying to connect while on the web, slow-slow IE performance, porn sites being added to my favorites, and several other maddening effects.
Offered suggestions for correction with the down-load and install of "Ad-Aware", "HighJack This", and "spybot". These are great freeware programs, and will identify "possible" infections, highjacks, etc., but the operative word is "possible". Some of the identified components are actually non-offending. You have to know your way around your machine, registry, etc.
By the time a google search turned up a site for the "Cool Web Search" infefction and correction I had several variants of this sucker on my machine.
There were to date at least 40 variants of the Cool Web Search Critter. Each sneaking into your machine in some ingenious method, and perfroming a multitude of malilious acts. What's even more daunting is the fact that Cool Web Search has thousands of affiliate web sites, including "Search 123..." Each its own little haven of malious crap!!!
The author of the site developed scanning and correction software for this beast (incidentlly, he is also the developer of high jack this). It is called "CWShreader"
Go to google, search on CW Shreder, you should be able to navigate your way to the down load, and find explanations of the problem.
By the way, after all of this, I updated my McAfee Virus software, and it un-covered a couple of "trogans", one of which removed my Media Player, and installed its own executeable in its place. So everytime you ran the player, the program would re-install itself. No doubt part of the original infection.
Sorry about the length of the reply, but after about two months of this, I needed to vent my saga.
Good Luck hope this helps