Homemade Night Cream


Witchy Woman
Found this recipe in one of my old computer files. I got it from a lady in one of my Yahoo Kitchen Witch Groups years ago. She called it "Youthing Serum". It's supposed to reduce the signs of aging, even out the skin tone, & heal the skin.

It's really simple to make, too!

Youthing Cream

* 1 tbsp. vegetable shortening
* 1 vitamin A capsule
* 1 vitamin D capsule
* 1 vitamin E capsule
* 1/2 tsp. sweet orange essential oil
* 1/2 tsp. lemon juice

Open the capsules and mix everything together until smooth & creamy.

Here are some options for customizing your "Youthing Serum":

* You may add more shortening to make a thicker cream.
* You may add more of the vitamin oils to make a richer cream.
* You may add more lemon juice to make a more fluid cream.

Store in a clean, small, tightly-lidded jar in the refrigerator. It will keep for up to 4 weeks with constant refrigeration.

At night, before bed, using your ring fingers, dab little dots of your cream around the eyes, along the forehead, around the neck, & along your cheeks, gently blending to cover the entire surface of your face & neck. Be a bit more generous in areas where you might have deeper creases, wrinkles, or discolorations.