Homeopathics For Cysts??


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine has a son in his early 20's who has developed cysts.
Not CF, as in Cystic Fibrosis, but cysts, as in subdermal pockets of.....well, I won't go into that here, but suffice to say, it's nasty stuff.

These things mostly appear in the soft tissue areas; ear lobes etc., and appear red, warm to the touch and I can only imagine very, very uncomfortable. Although sometimes they develop on "Tim's" back and on more than one occasion, under the skin at his tailbone.

Any home remedy recommendations?


Well-Known Member

I heard that sulfur works very well to get rid of cysts, but when I tried to help out by looking for "sulfur tablets," I discovered it is now marketed in gel cap form under the name "MSM." Please don't ask me what "MSM" stands for.

I also heard from a couple folks who were teens in the '50's that sulfur tablets/MSM work/s unexpectedly. What this stuff tends to do is flush out one's system; "sending" them unexpectedly.