I'm not real sure what I want to do. I wan't to research it before I make my decision. I homeschooled him for a while when he was in elementary in North Carolina and things there are totaly different. Does Maryland Regulate it closely? What do you mean by using School's materials? Are you talking about books and stuff like that? thanks for the info!
What I meant is, do you plan to use the materials he is already using, or are you going to choose your own books. Will his high school let him bring the books home for study?
If you've homeschooled before perhaps you are familiar with K12, A Beka Books, or Seton? They are secular, Christian and Catholic, respectively, and they have all of the materials that any state would require. I'm not familiar with many that are not Christian, but there are some out there.
I have not found St. Mary's County to be difficult to deal with at all. In fact, the gentleman who reviewed our material our first year living here was totally like, "yeah, you homeschoolers are always worried, but you're way ahead of the rest". So it shouldn't be difficult at all to satisfy the Dept. of Ed.
I homeschool for faith reasons, and if that has anything to do with your decision I may be able to keep you posted on activities.