Homophobic Men


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"Even a man who thought that women want to have sex with their fathers, and that women spend much of their lives distraught over their lack of a penis, is right sometimes.

This person, the legend that is Sigmund Freud, theorized that people often have the most hateful and negative attitudes towards things they secretly crave, but feel that they shouldn't have.

If Freud is right, then perhaps men who are the most opposed to male homosexuality have particularly strong homosexual urges for other men.

One study asked heterosexal men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant's penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear - arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).

When viewing lesbian sex and straight sex, both the homophobic and the non-homophobic men showed increased penis circumference. For gay male sex, however, only the homophobic men showed heightened penis arousal.

Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise.

Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Freud was an idiot and you heard it here first.

I'm going to have to embrace his crackpot ideas before I take my psychology class because the instructor I want for my A is all over him, but even when I was in high school and my brain was still mushy he seemed like an overblown perv to me. Age, education and experience have only reinforced that.


my war
Freud was an idiot and you heard it here first.

I'm going to have to embrace his crackpot ideas before I take my psychology class because the instructor I want for my A is all over him, but even when I was in high school and my brain was still mushy he seemed like an overblown perv to me. Age, education and experience have only reinforced that.

You said "overblown"... Freudian Slip?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Freud was an idiot and you heard it here first.

I'm going to have to embrace his crackpot ideas before I take my psychology class because the instructor I want for my A is all over him, but even when I was in high school and my brain was still mushy he seemed like an overblown perv to me. Age, education and experience have only reinforced that.

Ok, but, what about the study, the premise that the most homophobic among us are turned on by gay sex, feel bad about it, feel wrong about it and are, hence, the most hostile to it?

I've long suspected that guys who are overtly hostile to gays have homosexual inclinations or, pasts and the hostility comes from wishing they didn't; internal conflict.

Same way guys would call the hot chick who slept around, but not with them, a tramp and a whore. They wanted her, too but, didn't know how to get with her, or thought it was wrong because they were taught 'good' girls don't do that and yet here is this desire, this draw to her. More internal conflict.

Freud can still be a kook and be right about some things.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've long suspected that guys who are overtly hostile to gays have homosexual inclinations or, pasts and the hostility comes from wishing they didn't; internal conflict.

That's like saying someone who irrationally hates black people secretly wishes he were black.

The basic human condition is that we fear "different". It's a survival mechanism that goes back to our caveman ancestors. Different meant potential threat.

Then we have modern day neurosis, which pressures people to be right all the time. So if some hetero religious fundie gunslinger thinks his lifestyle is right - and he does, otherwise he wouldn't have that life - he is going to be threatened by someone who doesn't embrace that. In his mind it means he's "wrong", and we just cannot have that.

Freud's premise is that everything - every thing - revolves around sex. Phallic symbols as opposed to simple aerodynamics. Oedipal complexes vs. simple affection toward a good mother and wanting a woman like her because that's what you're comfortable with.

Freud is the Kim Kardashian of the intellectual set. He's famous for being famous and when you take a good hard look at him you cannot figure out how he got that way.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuals don't bother me anymore. There was a time when I had some serious issues with what they did but now I could care less. If people choose that lifestyle because it's a choice or they're just wired that way it has nothing to do with me. Everyone has a right to be happy so to that I say bend over if it makes you happy! :buddies:


mama to two
Homosexuals don't bother me anymore. There was a time when I had some serious issues with what they did but now I could care less. If people choose that lifestyle because it's a choice or they're just wired that way it has nothing to do with me. Everyone has a right to be happy so to that I say bend over if it makes you happy! :buddies:

I so agree with that. Even if I don't agree with a lifestyle, it does not affect me. I don't agree with heterosexual swinging, sado/masochism, orgies, etc., but it has nothing to do with me. There will always be deviancies from what we, as individuals, believe. As, long as I retain my rights, I am not concerned.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's like saying someone who irrationally hates black people secretly wishes he were black.

The basic human condition is that we fear "different". It's a survival mechanism that goes back to our caveman ancestors. Different meant potential threat.


When I first started going to kindergarden, I didn't naturally fear any of the blacks kids. They were my friends, same as the red heads, Italians, Jewish kids or the occasional Asian kid. There is no natural reason for people of different skin color to fear or hate one another.
You are taught that and you know it.

Heck, you are the perfect example. Growing up where you were, how you were, you were taught none of the prejudices, grew up around none of the taught, time honored prejudices of the East Coast. It was a shock to you when you got here and you said so. You prove it all the time.

And why do you suppose prey fears predator? Because they're wired that way? Or, they learned at an early age that that cute, furry fox, tore brother in half for lunch one day? Why does a coyote fear a wolf? Learned it.

It is not natural to fear different and I'm actually rather surprised to hear you even offer that up.