I bought my Civic from Hersons and was VERY pleased. No games, paid invoice, took 45 minutes, no surprises. Ken Dixon on the other hand, well lets just say I have been lied to, insulted, ignored, etc, there repeatedly and now I wouldn't by a car from them for free.
I had a deal going at Dixons on the Civic, I wanted a specific color and they didn't have on in stock. When the car came in the price went up. That was bull - - - .
I went and got a price from Hersons figuring that I could take that price back to Ken Dixons and Dixons "We won't be undersold" policy would assure me a fair deal. I was told by the Honda manager, in effect, 'well we don't compete with Hersons, they sell too cheap'. What a crock ! I have attempted to buy cars from them on at least 3 other occasions and have ALWAYS had similar experiences.
Other details on request.