Hope in a Jar


Lem Putt
Never heard of "hope in a jar" but I have peed in a cup before.

I had to "hope" into a jar after I got clipped. I was "hoping" there weren't any swimmers left. The nurse didn't think it was funny when I asked if it was okay there was saliva in it.


New Member
I had to "hope" into a jar after I got clipped. I was "hoping" there weren't any swimmers left. The nurse didn't think it was funny when I asked if it was okay there was saliva in it.

Reminds me of when I did my first in vitro - I was waiting to be sedated and they handed my husband "the cup" - the nurse explained that they would take him to a nice little room (with porn) and that he needed to make sure to "fill the cup up"! The look on his face was freakin' priceless!!!