Horse cut foot

Okay, my Mom boards (in Oklahoma). She gets a call and the people where she boards told her that Lyia cut her foot, they don't know how. She wouldn't come to eat so he went and found her, ended up having to take the truck and trailer to her, but told Mom that it wasn't too bad and they were heading to the horsey hospital to get it taken care of.

So, Mom calls the horsey hospital and she cut her foot all the way to the artery and apparently passed out a couple of times because of the severe amount of blood loss. They say that when they go into her stall her blood pressure spikes and she has passed out. So, my question is this: How the heck does a horse cut themselves on their foot all the way to the artery? And can't they do a blood transfusion to give her more blood? They tell Mom that they have to wait for her to rebuild her blood and aren't even changing the dressings because she can't clot at this point? Hope that this makes some sense. But what boggles my mind is the cut that deep. He didn't say that she was entangled in anything which would be my first guess. TYIA.


New Member
sorry about your mom's horse. the horse could have cut her foot on anything sharp. they are big enough, that with very little effort, they can cause themselves a lot of damage. could have been wire from a fence, a piece of glass, anything.
i don't think that horse blood transfusions are very common - i know i've had a dog that got one once, but never heard of a horse getting one. anyone know??
Horses are amazing at healing themselves. if they keep pressure on the cut so she doesn't lose anymore blood, with proper nutrition, she'll replace the blood she lost herself.
I had a pony that cut herself really bad on her neck once, we found her nearly passed out laying flat out in the field, a trail of blood where she had walked from. We were able to get her up and get the vet out to stitch her up, put in a drainage pipe. still don't know what she cut herself on.


Persimmon Creek Farm
Okay, my Mom boards (in Oklahoma). She gets a call and the people where she boards told her that Lyia cut her foot, they don't know how. She wouldn't come to eat so he went and found her, ended up having to take the truck and trailer to her, but told Mom that it wasn't too bad and they were heading to the horsey hospital to get it taken care of.

So, Mom calls the horsey hospital and she cut her foot all the way to the artery and apparently passed out a couple of times because of the severe amount of blood loss. They say that when they go into her stall her blood pressure spikes and she has passed out. So, my question is this: How the heck does a horse cut themselves on their foot all the way to the artery? And can't they do a blood transfusion to give her more blood? They tell Mom that they have to wait for her to rebuild her blood and aren't even changing the dressings because she can't clot at this point? Hope that this makes some sense. But what boggles my mind is the cut that deep. He didn't say that she was entangled in anything which would be my first guess. TYIA.
Tever Im so sorry to hear this happened to your moms horse. Im quessing that the trama is in the healbulb area. It is soft and full of arteries and large blood supply. I too do not know about blood transfusions with horses. I hope the pony is now stable and the bleeding has stopped. Like Devine stated horses are tough and amazing in thier recovery. My thought would be that this horse will be bandaged to keep fecies and bacteria from invading the wound. Best of luck to your mom and her horse!


Active Member
Is the horse pastured anywhere near traffic? My younger horse nearly took off his heel bulb by stepping on a beer bottle that some sh!t-for-brains carelessly threw out of their car along the pasture.

Good luck to your mom. The horses really do have an amazing ability to heal themselves.
:huggy: Thanks for everyone's answers. Like you all stated, it could have been from anything, just in the right place at the right time. It could very possibly been from a bottle - they are out in the country. Thanks for that idea.

As far as I know she is doing well...of course, this is the same place that we took our stud, they had him for 4 days - said he was doing good - went the day before and had him walking/trotting around an arena, the next morning they called us and he was dying - had to put him down. Guess our faith in the place is a little shaken. Plus, they were jerks when they put him down. My Mom had him since he was a baby and we wanted to be there when they put him down, they argued with us, then when they put him down - it was just a horrible experience and we have have seen many a horse put down (grew up on a horse farm).


I heart CLeValley
:huggy: Thanks for everyone's answers. Like you all stated, it could have been from anything, just in the right place at the right time. It could very possibly been from a bottle - they are out in the country. Thanks for that idea.

As far as I know she is doing well...of course, this is the same place that we took our stud, they had him for 4 days - said he was doing good - went the day before and had him walking/trotting around an arena, the next morning they called us and he was dying - had to put him down. Guess our faith in the place is a little shaken. Plus, they were jerks when they put him down. My Mom had him since he was a baby and we wanted to be there when they put him down, they argued with us, then when they put him down - it was just a horrible experience and we have have seen many a horse put down (grew up on a horse farm).

I hope everything is ok.