Horse health mystery ??


New Member
I know a horse that has some issues. 1st off, he has been diagnosed with EPM for a bout a little under a year. He breaks out with hives every spring and gets swollen glands off and on, and the EPM stuff flares up mostly in spring too (the stumbling and stuff). Its always like one thing after another with this horse.
About a week ago, he started running a fever, was very lathargic and stiff, nipping at his sides, yawning, pawing, but turned out to not be colicing nor choaking. He Did have a tick that same day but we dunno if that has anything to do with it or not... it could be a possibility but who knows with him.
Did blood tests, came back fine/clear so they kept him on antibiotics for 5 days, and then yesterday, all 4 legs were really swollen, but not like a injury swollen, and they were still swollen today too. He seemed fine otherwise, happy and content. Dont think hes lame. He is very sensitive to sprays and all (gets hives easily) but we are all puzzled as to whats going on with this horse.
He is healthy, weight wise and conditioning and all... probably has a weak immune system though, and we are wondering if maybe he has sever allergies or something or does anyone know what this sounds like? I think the owner might get him allergy tested next.
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New Member
Long ago one of our horses had similar symptoms. I didn't deal with the vet and don't remember the details but will talk with someone who did. I recall there was a problem with the field, I don't remember what. Also there was more than just our horse that was having an issue. Is he the only one having these problems? I'll post back if I can get you info. --Good Luck!


Does my butt look big?
:ALPO: EMP is expensive to treat and not always successful...and they can be dangerous if they stumble around and fall on someone..


New Member
Long ago one of our horses had similar symptoms. I didn't deal with the vet and don't remember the details but will talk with someone who did. I recall there was a problem with the field, I don't remember what. Also there was more than just our horse that was having an issue. Is he the only one having these problems? I'll post back if I can get you info. --Good Luck!
yes he is the only one with this problem however he is the only one in that field. Thanks =)


New Member
He is not dangerous, its not a sever case of EPM, he is still in consistant work and everything because he does do the leg lifting stuff/stumbling, but only when you reign back or do really really really tight circles, otherwise hes normal. the owner has been trying the treatment stuff, but no garuntees itll work.


New Member
I had a mare that was allergic to tick bites. Went out to feed her one morning and she was extremely lethargic, wanted to do nothing but lay down, ears airplained out, sad eyes, nipping at her stomach. These were all the symptoms of her allergic reaction to the tick bite. I called the vet and he said to remove the tick, clean the area with alcohol, give the mare 2 grams of bute and one scoop of tri-hist. She was better in about 2 days.

Now my mothers mare gets real bad hived and itchies in the spring. We found out that she is allergic to bugs! Yep you heard me right, bugs! So in the spring, summer and fall she looks like a KKK horsey covered head to toe in fly sheets.

Good luck with him!


New Member
yes he is the only one with this problem however he is the only one in that field. Thanks =)

The problem we had was with grain. The silo (sp?) was contaminated which transfered to the grain.

Hope you can figure it out! I feel for them when they can't tell you what's wrong. :huggy: