Horse Hugger...


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
So, I have "this friend":whistle: who may have "this horse" :whistle:, and that horse may have a little issue with...oh, lets say, trying to launch a rider into the outer limits of space when you first get on. I read the article on bucking on the Dodon website, would that farm take a horse in for a short evaluation period to help figure out what is taking place? Once on "friends" said horse, it tends to go pretty good...but rumor is that you must survive the first 10 minutes!:whistle:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Tell your "friend" to get a GUN!


Hey Poppie,
Said "friend" is rumored to have said "gun", and apparently is fairly proficient in using it...and ... I think they know where you live! :evil:

So, I think they will try to work through the issue before turning said rocket launcher into puppy chow.



New Member
LOL ya'll are funny.
I had a "Friend" with a similar "problem" and it turned out to be a particular "saddle" that had a damaged tree. don't know if that could help...

has the horse always done this?
LOL ya'll are funny.
I had a "Friend" with a similar "problem" and it turned out to be a particular "saddle" that had a damaged tree. don't know if that could help...

has the horse always done this?

I agree with the could be a pain issue. I would suggest that your -ahem- "friend" contact Steuart directly - he may say no, but he might be willing to help out either by riding it himself or doing a lesson or two to help the friend work things out. I just read him your post and he said to call him and explain what's going on. His cellphone is 410-507-3351 - he'll be taking some young horses to school at Waredaca today so he'll be in the car for awhile and available to talk!

Along those lines - the whole reason we met was because I had a recalcitrant young horse who didn't want to go forward. She'd go sideways, backwards and do little rears, but not forward. He actually only agreed to take her (she was really difficult) because one of his students was in my class. Thankfully, he got her over that difficulty very quickly and then she became a superstar (and now I don't own her anymore - she's competed up to training and won her last novice event). BUT! That doesn't mean he wouldn't take your horse; all you can do is ask. My guess is he'd try some lessons first where you both ride the horse and see if it can't be fixed that way (cheaper, too).
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Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
I agree with the could be a pain issue. I would suggest that your -ahem- "friend" contact Steuart directly - he may say no, but he might be willing to help out either by riding it himself or doing a lesson or two to help the friend work things out. His email is

Along those lines - the whole reason we met was because I had a recalcitrant young horse who didn't want to go forward. She'd go sideways, backwards and do little rears, but not forward. He actually only agreed to take her (she was really difficult) because one of his students was in my class. Thankfully, he got her over that difficulty very quickly and then she became a superstar (and now I don't own her anymore - she's competed up to training and won her last novice event). BUT! That doesn't mean he wouldn't take your horse; all you can do is ask. My guess is he'd try some lessons first where you both ride the horse and see if it can't be fixed that way (cheaper, too).

Thanks, I'll shoot him an email. Equiptment checks good, I think it is a confidence / trust thing that needs working through. And...uh, (insert chicken noises here) I won't be getting back on this thing until this issue is resolved. I barely made it (my self preservation reaction still has quick reflexes - shocking!) through my one ride on her, so someone much more qualified (and insured - hahaha!) needs to kindly evaluate this. Thank you much!!!
Darn it all... you're too quick. He wants you to call him. If you email him, give him "your friend's" phone number so he can call.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
LOL ya'll are funny.
I had a "Friend" with a similar "problem" and it turned out to be a particular "saddle" that had a damaged tree. don't know if that could help...

has the horse always done this?

Hahaha! Double checked equiptment fit, all is good and in great shape. You would probably do great with her, but she pulled this with me 1 time and that was it for me. I didn't come off, but knew I could have. Had another girl get on that does training...fully aware of what takes place, she got launched the first try, got back on and had a good ride. So, what I need is someone that is able to work through this issue, that won't come off, and can determine if it is something that is workable or is she just a french fry short of a Happy Meal.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Darn it all... you're too quick. He wants you to call him. If you email him, give him "your friend's" phone number so he can call.

WONDERFUL!!! THANK YOU! Just got off the phone, and he is going to try her out to let me know what he thinks as far as this being a workable issue or not.